The concentration organized yesterday by the Popular Party in Madrid received massive support in defense of the Constitution and the equality of Spaniards before the drift of Pedro Sánchez, who yesterday was convinced that "there will be a socialist government" thanks to his pacts with the independentistas. The act of the PP, convened just before the plenary investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, scheduled for tomorrow, exceeds the margins of a party rally. It was the expression of a resounding prot

This is the opacity and acquiescence with which the Government assumes the lack of limits in its will to satisfy those who in 2017 tried to violate national sovereignty.

The forecasts of the leadership of the PP - expected 10,000 people and gathered more than 65,000 - were overwhelmed by the mobilization in rejection of the amnesty to the crimes of the


, a possibility that the president of this formation considered an "unspeakable cacicada ". After the 23-J did not see its expectations met, the PP exhibited an exercise of unity and organic muscle that allows Feijóo to face his investiture with the flow of civic energy that emanates from the values of constitutional patriotism.

The leader of the PP articulated yesterday a

speech of harangue before the cessions of Sánchez to the independence movement and sustained in the permanence of a nation in which there is no room for "first and second class citizens"

. He did it surrounded by all the regional presidents of the PP, as an expression of the territorial power acquired by this party after 28-M; and in the presence of José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy, an image of communion with the past of the center-right that contrasts with the disdain of the socialist leadership to the vindication of Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra of the founding PSOE, co-architect of the 1978 pact and refractory to that commitment of the PSOE of the present in polarizing public life, as an acclaimed Isabel Díaz Ayuso warned in the streets, around "two opposing sides".

Although his investiture has no signs of prospering,

Feijóo is driven by the anomaly of a president of the Government being open to negotiating his continuity in office with a fugitive from justice.

Vicente Guilarte, alternate president of the General Council of the Judiciary, has argued in EL MUNDO that "the political amnesty that is proposed is alien to the general interest." It would mean an unacceptable delegitimisation of the rule of law with harmful effects on the treasury. The Court of Auditors, as we have reported, considers lost up to EUR 10.3 million for the amnesty as refunds for the embezzlement of the



The preservation of the unity and equality of Spaniards offers Feijóo a

Framework of moral and political authority before an investiture that must be used to solidify leadership

committed to national cohesion.


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