Beijing, September 9 (ZXS) -- The reporter learned from China's State Forestry and Grassland Administration (State Forestry and Grassland Administration) on September 25 that the three-month "25 Clean Wind Action" jointly carried out by 11 departments has achieved remarkable results, severely cracked down on illegal and criminal acts of destroying wild animal and plant resources, and comprehensively consolidated the results of banning illegal wildlife trade and eliminating the bad habit of indiscriminate consumption of wild animals.

From March to June this year, led by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, 3 departments, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration for Market Regulation, jointly organized and carried out the "6 Clean Wind Action" focusing on cracking down on illegal hunting, collection, killing, selling, acquisition, transportation, edible and use of wild animals and plants. It has effectively curbed illegal and criminal acts of destroying wild animal and plant resources and strengthened the wildlife protection network.

During the operation, more than 38,234 law enforcement vehicles and more than 100.1 million law enforcement personnel were dispatched nationwide, supervising and inspecting more than 4 million places such as wildlife habitats, artificial breeding sites, transportation stations, and ports. More than 1,546 cases of wild animals and plants were investigated and handled, including more than 1,5 criminal cases, 54 criminal gangs were destroyed, and more than 9,50 people were cracked down on and dealt with by lawbreakers. More than 6,1 wild animals and plants (heads, tails and plants), more than 9,1642 pieces of wild animal and plant products, nearly <>,<> kilograms, nearly <>,<> illegal hunting gear and fishing gear (Zhang and Taiwan), confiscated <> million yuan (RMB, the same below), and imposed fines and fines of <>.<> million yuan.

The relevant person in charge of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration said that in recent years, the system of inter-ministerial joint conference on combating illegal trade in wild animals and plants has adhered to the combination of key crackdowns and comprehensive rectification, online and offline coordination, and explored the establishment of "forest chiefs + police chiefs", "forest chiefs + court presidents" and "forest chiefs + procurators-general" coordination mechanisms through information sharing and joint actions, strengthened joint consultations, lead transfers, coordination and cooperation, etc., promoted the seamless connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and accurately cracked down on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts that destroy wild animal and plant resources. Strive to build a law enforcement network with full coverage and no dead ends. In the next step, we will strengthen the training of law enforcement personnel, consolidate the foundation for the construction of talents and law enforcement teams, improve the level of informatization for the protection of wild animal and plant resources and comprehensive management, promote the formulation of supporting systems related to law enforcement, fully support grassroots law enforcement departments in handling wildlife cases, strengthen online market supervision, and consolidate the main responsibility of Internet platforms. (End)