Zhongxin Wanghai, September 9 (Reporter Chen Jing) Oral health is an important part of the health of the whole body. How to have a straight, beautiful pair of teeth? In this regard, Wang Jun, director of the Department of Pediatric Stomatology of the Ninth People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, pointed out in an interview with reporters on the 21st that in addition to blocking the "enemy" of tooth decay, it is also necessary to eliminate many "roadblocks", such as: opening the lip and showing teeth, mouth breathing, sleeping and snoring, habitually biting down the lip or pencil, sticking out the tongue, etc.

Wang Jun used mouth breathing as an example to explain that this may be due to rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy and other reasons that affect the patency of the respiratory tract, which in turn leads to mouth breathing. With prolonged mouth breathing, the tongue is mispositioned in the mouth, which can adversely affect the bite, facial shape, and dentition.

Wang Jun said that with complete and beautiful teeth, in addition to blocking the "enemy" of tooth decay, it is also necessary to eliminate many "roadblocks". (Photo courtesy of Shanghai Health Promotion Center)

Wang Jun told reporters: "When the tongue rests, you should close your lips and raise your tongue, and place your tongue about 3 mm to 5 mm behind your upper front teeth." Parents can judge whether the child's tongue is placed correctly through the method of 'swallowing saliva': if the tongue position is correct, the swallowing action can be completed by relying only on the throat muscles; if the tongue position is incorrect, the mouth must be closed through the perioral muscles to swallow the saliva. That is to say, it is correct that the child's lips do not move when swallowing saliva; If the lips are strained when swallowing saliva, there is a problem with the position of the tongue. After this problem, parents are advised to take their child to the stomatology department of the hospital, and the doctor will use appropriate aligners to improve it. ”

Experts recommend that parents follow the doctor's advice and regularly take their children to the hospital for oral examinations. (Photo courtesy of Shanghai Health Promotion Center)

Nowadays, with the increasing concern of health and "appearance", many parents will regularly take their children to the hospital for oral examination. Wang Jun suggested that children younger than 6 years old should have an oral examination every quarter, and children older than 6 years old can have an oral examination every six months. "For school-age children, regular oral examinations are mainly to achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment of tooth decay. However, risk factors for tooth decay are different for every child. For example, compared with second-grade children, fifth-grade children have a very strong oral cleaning ability, and their risk of tooth decay may be smaller than that of second-grade children, so the frequency of oral examinations can be appropriately reduced. Therefore, the frequency of oral examinations varies from person to person, and parents can follow the doctor's evaluation recommendations to perform them, the specialist said.

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Health Promotion Center on the same day that the special activity of the Shanghai Health Lecture Hall entered Changning Road Primary School in Changning District, and the medical care in the field of dentistry popularized the health knowledge of caring for students. This event is also a supporting activity of Shanghai's "National Science Popularization Day" and "Serving People's Health" National Large-scale Free Clinic Activity Week.

Hou Lili, director of the nursing department of the Ninth People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, told the children: "Severe decay of baby teeth will affect the pronunciation, aesthetics, and health and alignment of permanent teeth in the later stage. Therefore, when caries occurs in baby teeth, it is necessary to receive treatment as soon as possible. ”

Experts in the field of oral care do science popularization for children. (Photo courtesy of Shanghai Health Promotion Center)

It is reported that dental caries (tooth decay) is one of the most common diseases that endanger the oral health of Chinese children. Caries is mainly manifested as the destruction of the tooth structure, which can cause pain to a certain extent. The main causes of dental caries are bacteria, oral acidic environment, and long-term poor oral hygiene habits. To prevent tooth decay, the most important thing is to clean your teeth every day and maintain oral hygiene, so as to resist the invasion of tooth decay.

She said: "Children should eat regularly every day, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and develop a good habit of gargling. Usually, eat less sugar, snacks and carbonated drinks, especially after brushing your teeth at night, and stop eating. Once tooth decay is found, go to the stomatology department of the hospital as soon as possible, where the dentist will help everyone repair the tooth decay and do a good job of prevention and maintenance. (End)