Zhongxin Wanghai, September 9 (Reporter Chen Jing) When it comes to acne, many people will think that acne is just a small problem "popping up" on the skin, as long as you simply use some medicine to extinguish the acne, it can be quickly cured.

In an interview on the 19th, the reporter learned that in fact, the treatment of acne is a "protracted battle". Acne patients themselves have inflammation of the skin, coupled with the influence of external drugs, various treatment methods, etc., it is easy to induce skin sensitivity, resulting in a vicious circle of acne.

The 19th "Acne Prevention Science Popularization Week" healthy China public welfare activity was launched on the <>th in the Tenth People's Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University. This year's theme is "Scientific Skin Care for Precision Acne - Focus on Skin Care for Acne Patients", aiming to strengthen the public's attention and awareness of acne treatment and scientific skin care. This event was hosted by the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine and organized by the Dermatology and Venereology Professional Committee of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine.

The 6th "Acne Prevention Science Week" Health China Public Welfare Activity Shanghai was launched. (Photo courtesy of the Tenth People's Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University)

On the same day, a number of experts gave authoritative answers to the hot topics of acne treatment from the perspective of integrative medicine. It is reported that acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the sebaceous unit of the hair follicles, because it tends to occur in adolescents, and is also known as "pimples".

Professor Zheng Zhizhong, honorary chairman of the Skin Professional Committee of the China Association of Non-public Medical Institutions and affiliated to Fudan University, said that acne patients often have unsound skin barrier function, due to the strong secretion of facial sebum, changes in sebum composition, unstable lipid structure, coupled with inflammatory reactions, it is easy to cause skin barrier damage, and the resistance to external stimuli is weakened. Secondly, most patients have the bad habit of excessive skin cleaning, which aggravates the damage to the skin barrier. Therefore, acne patients should be as streamlined as possible in skin care procedures, do a good job of basic cleaning, hydration, moisturizing and sun protection, help repair the skin barrier, restore the normal barrier function of the skin.

How should acne patients carry out their daily care? On the same day, a number of experts told reporters that the skin care methods of acne patients with different skin types have their own focus and precautions: acne patients with oily skin should use warm water close to body temperature to cleanse, which is conducive to dissolving sebum; Use cleansing mousse and cleansing foam with moisturizing and oil-controlling ingredients at least twice a day; Use oil-control, acne-cleansing and acne effective skin care products for the whole face, with water agents and gels. Acne sufferers with dry skin can use warm water, a soothing, skin-barrier repairing cleanser, once a day, a skincare product with a skin-barrier repair function for the whole face, a water-based lotion/cream or moisturizing mask 2 to 3 times a week for deep hydration.

Patients with combination skin who have both oily skin and dry/normal skin can use a cleanser with a soothing and skin-repairing function at least 2 times a day; The principle of facial T-zone care is the same as that of oily acne skin, and the treatment principle of cheeks, temporal area, chin and other parts is the same as that of dry acne skin. For acne sufferers with sensitive skin, experts recommend using a soothing, skin-barrier cleanser once daily.

Professor He Li, vice chairman of the Dermatology Branch of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine and the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, told reporters that acne is divided into three degrees and four grades, and the occurrence of acne will lead to problems such as papules, pustules, cysts, nodules and other problems on the skin, and even leave scars, seriously affecting the appearance of patients. Long-term repeated acne will cause patients to have dissatisfaction with appearance and inferiority complex, and even depression and anxiety.

According to reports, the treatment of acne includes local treatment, systemic treatment, and physical and chemical therapy, etc., and the combination of multiple treatment methods is essential. Professor He Li pointed out that the importance of integrative medicine in acne treatment is also becoming increasingly prominent, and the development of integrated treatment plans from various aspects such as detection, diagnosis, treatment, skin care, etc., carries out precise prevention and care according to different skin types, increases efficacy, reduces recurrence, and thus improves overall patient satisfaction.

It is reported that in this year's "Acne Prevention and Treatment Science Popularization Week" activity, the Dermatovenereology Professional Committee of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine took the lead in distributing the "Sixth Acne Week Science Popularization Manual" to all free clinics across the country. The manual provides a comprehensive analysis of acne from the causes of acne to dietary interventions, personal skin care, and treatment plans, which will help strengthen patients' comprehensive awareness of acne care and achieve precise combat against "acne". (End)