On September 9, the second National Skills Competition entered its second competition day. At the site of the masonry national competition, the participants shoveled, ruler and hammer to build a wall with the element of "Tianjin Eye", and built bricks in one go. In the judge's scoring link, the size, horizontal, vertical, alignment, etc. of the wall will affect the score, and the construction process is judged by millimeters.

This year's Masonry National Competition has two competition modules, with a total duration of 15.5 hours, and the participants have to complete all the competition tasks within three days. Among them, module 1740 is "Tianjin Eye", the design intention is taken from the Tianjin landmark Yongle Bridge Ferris wheel, using red, green, yellow three-color brick masonry, the full size of the work is 1259 mm x 160 mm, the total amount of bricks is about 2040 pieces, the work is composed of Ferris wheel, Tianjin abbreviated letters T, J and other elements, which not only reflects the regional characteristics of Tianjin, but also reflects the characteristics of the masonry industry. Module 1250 is "relish", the design intention is taken from the Chinese character "jin", abstracting and integrating landmark buildings such as Tianjin Radio and Television Tower, the size of the work is 160 mm x <> mm, using red, green and yellow brick masonry, all using about <> bricks.

According to reports, the selected items of the masonry national competition are the competition projects in which the contestants use bricks, blocks, mortar and other materials and auxiliary tools and equipment, through drawing recognition, lofting, brick cutting (block), masonry, plastering, grouting, cleaning and other processes, and independently complete the work according to the design drawings (competition topics). This project is a test of the comprehensive ability of the contestants in terms of work organization and management ability, map reading ability, lofting and measurement ability, construction ability, and grout cleaning ability. A total of 28 provinces, Xinjiang Corps and related industry teams participated in this competition. The players are not only former World Championship training team players, front-line employees of enterprises, but also teachers from vocational colleges. (Guo Chaokai, produced by Yue Ziyan)

Responsible Editor: [Tian Boqun]