Hope remains that survivors of the flood disaster left by Cyclone Daniel in Derna, Libya, have been hoped, although the chances of survival have diminished more than a week after the disaster, as rescue teams continue to dig among the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Survivors are trying to inspect the buildings of demolished houses to search for loved ones they lost after the flood, including a moving clip recorded in the episode of Shabakat program (2023/9/18) of a Libyan woman looking for members of her family.

Local and international relief teams and volunteers flocked to search under the rubble in the hope of finding alive, although it is difficult to move through the streets of the city, and there are fears of the spread of epidemics due to the spread of the smell of decomposing corpses, which portends a health disaster.

That hope has kept alive that teams have succeeded in rescuing many people trapped under the rubble in recent hours, including the rescue of two women who survived more than a week after the cyclone.

According to the common rule of rescue, a person can survive for 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food, meaning that the majority of those who were brought out alive were getting their basic needs of water and air.

Unfailing Hope

The success of rescue efforts in finding survivors a week after the cyclone was met with tweeters, including Nina, "Had it not been for the tremendous efforts of rescue teams and international teams (which) entered with enormous potential, many would have been in the world of (many) and would have been (become) dead."

But Suha Ali had a different opinion, tweeting, "But (the truth) the possibilities are very limited. If there were more possibilities, we would have saved a larger number. May God have mercy on the rest," while Yara wrote: "Please don't cut off hope and don't stop rescue operations. We are still waiting for news about our loved ones."

According to the Minister of Health in eastern Libya, Othman Abdel Jalil, the search will not stop for now, although there is little hope, with the possibility of finding other survivors.

The head of Libya's Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Dabaiba, said rescue teams were able to rescue more than 300 missing people, including at least 13 children.