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A police officer has been hit in Hamburg (symbolic image)

Photo: deepblue4you / Getty Images/iStockphoto

An 18-year-old man is said to have hit a police officer in Hamburg and is now in custody for attempted murder.

As the police announced on Monday, the young man was on Friday evening with a rental car and several passengers in the district of Altona on the road. Due to a previous traffic accident, a traffic jam had formed, which the man apparently wanted to avoid.

According to the police, the 18-year-old drove directly towards an officer engaged in traffic control and ignored stop signs. The car then hit the 27-year-old officer. He had fallen and broke his hand, among other things.

Drug influence suspected

Subsequently, the young man fled with the rental car from the scene of the incident. The abandoned vehicle was found by emergency services in the immediate vicinity during the ensuing manhunt. In a park, a 17-year-old man was also caught, who turned out to be one of the passengers.

The driver turned himself in a little later at a police station. According to investigators, the suspect does not have a driver's license, and there is also a suspicion of drug use at the time of the crime.

He was arrested and later remanded in custody. He is accused of attempted murder, and the police are also looking for witnesses to what happened.
