Cat on the tree (symbolic image): The reverse gear does not always succeed

Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/ picture alliance / dpa

It is well known that climbing cats are sometimes overwhelmed by their own urge to climb and then no longer find their way to the ground. In Delmenhorst, Lower Saxony, however, a cat owner now seems to have had a similar problem. As reported by the NDR, citing a spokesman for the local emergency services, the man climbed after his pet, which was stuck on a tree, about twelve meters high. And then he didn't know what to do himself.

Delicate situation

As a result, the fire brigade had to rescue both the animal and its owner. The brother of the 27-year-old man alerted the emergency services on Sunday evening around 20 p.m. by emergency call and reported on the delicate situation. According to the NDR report, the helpers arrived with a turntable ladder and brought the man and the cat from the tree back to the ground.

The 27-year-old was lucky: Since it was an emergency, the pet owner did not have to pay for the use, it said.
