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Berlin's Senator for the Interior, Iris Spranger

Photo: Christophe Gateau / dpa

According to the will of Berlin's Senator for the Interior, Iris Spranger, the existing wall around Görlitzer Park in Kreuzberg is to be completely demolished in order to increase security. The building offers dealers and other criminals a privacy screen that could seduce them into committing crimes, argues the SPD politician, according to a report in the Berliner Morgenpost. Cracks and holes could serve as hiding places for drugs, Spranger continued. Senate spokeswoman Christine Richter confirmed the Interior Senator's considerations on Saturday.

A large part of the park, which is known for drug trafficking and crime beyond the city limits, is bordered by a wall. Demolition is intended to create lines of sight. These are intended to help in the fight against drug trafficking and other crime. It is being discussed whether parts of the wall should be broken through or whether it should be completely removed. The plans for the redesign of the park are to be developed in a steering group, which is to be set up quickly. The Senate Department for the Environment is responsible, according to Senate spokeswoman Richter. She did not give a specific date for this. However, the measures should be taken as soon as possible, she stressed.

Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) and Interior Senator Spranger announced a week ago that Görlitzer Park would be closed at night. To do this, you have to build entrance gates and also some fences. In the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, the plans meet with resistance. A night-time closure of the park is not a solution to the problems of Kreuzberg, but would lead to even more relocation of drug trafficking to the surrounding residential area of Wrangelkiez, argues district mayor Clara Herrmann (Greens), among other things.

A week ago, Interior Senator Spranger hinted that the Senate could also override the will of the district with this plan when it comes to a question of security. The planned fence around Görlitzer Park will be paid for by the Senate, according to spokeswoman Richter.
