The Mossovet Theater will start showing the musical performance "The Bremen Town Musicians" staged by the artistic director of the venue Evgeny Marcelli. It was based on the libretto "The Troubadour and His Friends" by Vasily Livanov and Yuri Entin.

The famous story of sincere love, true friendship and devotion unfolds on the stage. In the story, a group of wandering artists - Troubadour, Cat, Dog, Donkey and Rooster - travels around the country and amuses the audience with musical and circus numbers. One of these performances comes to see the Silly King and his only heir. Seeing each other, the Princess and the Troubadour immediately fall in love and can no longer imagine life apart. But the King is not happy with such an alliance: he believes that his daughter deserves a more status husband. The troubadour will have to show all his cunning, dexterity and ingenuity in order to be able to be with the Princess, and true friends will help him in this.

The narrator is the royal Jester, whose role in different compositions is played by Andrei Smirnov and Vanya Pishchulin. The main characters are played by Oleg Kuznetsov and Andrey Mezhulis (King), Glafira Lebedeva and Daria Emelyanova (Princess), Alexey Trofimov and Neil Kropalov (Troubadour), Vlad Bokovin and Mitya Fedorov (Cat), Anton Anosov and Oleg Ots (Dog), Alexander Emelyanov and Mikhail Filippov (Donkey), Vladimir Prokoshin and Pavel Usachev (Rooster), Ekaterina Guseva and Daria Taran (Atamansha), as well as Vitaly Kishchenko and Valery Yaremenko (Detective).

Each of the brilliantly played characters attracts attention, but Alexei Trofimov looks especially bright in his image, from which the perfect Troubadour turned out. The hero in his performance is kind, dreamy, ready to go to the trick for the sake of love. His voice deserves special attention. The artist mesmerizingly performed all the songs that sound in the production, in particular the famous Troubadour serenade "Ray of the Golden Sun". Sensual and sincere singing resonated with the audience at a special show for the press, and in the dark hall, as at a concert, the audience took turns turning on the flashlights on the phone and swaying, sitting in their seats, to the beat of the music.

No less spectacular are Ekaterina Guseva, whose Atamansha turned out to be an incredibly beautiful, imperious and daring robber with a powerful, slightly hoarse voice, and Vitaly Kishchenko - his charisma and humor during the song of the Brilliant Detective aroused the great admiration of both adults and young viewers.

Almost all the compositions from the Soviet animated film of 1969 sound in the production.

  • The Jester, the Princess and the King in the play "The Bremen Town Musicians"
  • © Elena Lapina / Mossovet State Academic Theatre

An integral part of the performance was the diverse and complex costumes skillfully made by the masters of the Mossovet Theater - Natalia Shubabko, Tatyana Skorokhodova and Elena Yurina. Outfits successfully complement the images and emphasize the characteristic features of each character. For example, the Princess's outfit turned out to be in the style of rock, which reflects her obstinate character, and Atamansha and her gang of robbers are hung with jewelry and furs and look very impressive during the performance of the song "They say we are byaki-buki".

The King's army is also replete with a variety of costumes - it even has a cowboy dressed in the now popular barbiecore style. At the same time, all the characters on stage and within the framework of the story look appropriate and organic, and the abundance of colors and outfits does not distract from the plot at all and gives the fairy tale brightness and cheerfulness.

Eugene Marcelli created a real holiday for the whole family. The audience will not see a radically changed story - these are all the same fascinating and kind adventures of the Troubadour and the beasts-musicians, diluted with some author's details and solutions that only adorned the performance. For example, on a stage sprinkled with confetti, artists interact with the audience and even initiate a small game that children will especially like.

The performance looks in one breath and causes a smile that does not leave the face throughout the performance. The unfolding story looks holistic, fascinating, both for adults who can remember their childhood with nostalgia, and for a younger audience - its production teaches the importance of love, kindness, friendship and loyalty to one's word.