"There was someone who wanted to come home with all that it means, but in order to come home, be forgiven first," says Axel Petersén, describing the character Dimman as an anti-hero he himself could relate to on a general human level.

Fogan soon also starts working for a faded sugar mama with slippery business, and he is drawn deeper into a tangle of debts and financial crimes in the Swedish e-gaming colony in Malta.

Joel Spira makes his first leading role and he was very drawn to Petersén's way of writing the script.

"The plot is in the character, inside. It is gratifying to work with as an actor, that it is not only what happens that is central, but also the internal engine that drives the film, says Joel Spira.

It is difficult to find obvious references, but Axel Petersén still sees some similarities to old 70s rolls and noir.

"This one should be seen on VHS almost," jokes Joel Spira.

Watch the full interview in the clips above.