Beijing, September 9 -- From August 12 to 8 this year, Beijing Metro "Time Train" No. 8 carried out trial operation in the section from Gucheng to Fuxingmen of Line 18, and then entered the preparation period. After a number of preparations and full evaluations, the Beijing Metro "Time Train" officially entered the "normal operation" stage on the 01037th, and the first official operation cycle was from September 1 to October 12.

The "Time Train" was officially launched and a number of measures were taken to bring more new experiences to passengers.

From September 2023, 9, the Beijing Metro "Time Train" officially entered the "normal operation" stage, and the first official operation cycle is from September 12 to October 9. Photo courtesy of Beijing Subway

Arrange the operation plan reasonably

In order to further meet the needs of passengers to "clock in", the relevant professional departments and units of Beijing Metro Company have fully evaluated the operation plan of the "Time Train", which runs from September 9 to October 12, every Monday to Saturday.

Maximize the extension of operational segments

The operation section is extended from Gucheng to Fuxingmen to Line 1 Batong Line, departing from Gucheng Station to Universal Resort Station once a day at about 12 o'clock.

From September 2023, 9, the Beijing Metro "Time Train" officially entered the "normal operation" stage, and the first official operation cycle is from September 12 to October 9. Photo courtesy of Beijing Subway

Fine-tune the details

When passengers enter the carriage, they enter different eras - from the green horizontal seats of the 60s and 70s of the last century, to the smart cars with "magic windows" today... The subway company has repaired the outsourced content in the train, enriched the pictures, videos and other content in the carriage, so that passengers can better "immerse themselves".

Do a good job in operational support

In terms of vehicle driving, the private car driving method will continue to be adopted. In terms of vehicle maintenance, complete the dynamic debugging of the vehicle, transfer line, and debugging under the hole in advance, and carry out a cleaning and rectification before the train goes online. In terms of station organization along the line, according to the "time train" operation plan, organize relevant station areas to improve passenger transport and travel organization guarantee plans; Record the arrival broadcast of the "time train" at each station along the line in advance; Publish "Time Train" promotional posters on relevant routes.

In addition, the subway company will also launch normalized "check-in" and centralized "check-in" activities during the operation of the "Time Train" to bring more surprises to the majority of "iron fans".

After the operation cycle, the subway company will continue to make the operation arrangements and related service guarantees of the "Time Train" in accordance with the "normal operation and intermittent maintenance" plan.

The development of Beijing Metro is the epitome of urban development, and the subway company hopes to build the "Time Train" into a city-flowing landscape line and a landmark "check-in" line of the capital rail transit, so that passengers can experience a more vibrant, warm and beautiful rail transit travel experience during the travel process, and further enhance the happiness and sense of achievement of the majority of passengers. (End)