Julien Pichené 10:49 am, September 12, 2023, modified at 10:50 am, September 12, 2023

According to information from Clément Garin, TF1 could relaunch the show "Mysteries" for the next Halloween. Broadcast monthly in the 1990s, this show was devoted to the paranormal in France, with stories whose authenticity was very often debated ...

Who remembers the show Mysteries? It was the first major show devoted to the paranormal in France, with stories whose authenticity was often debated. We remember in particular the case of the house that bleeds, or those apples that fly in a haunted house in Normandy.

A return of the show for Halloween?

Stopped in 1994 after only two years of existence, the show Mysteries would be in the pipes for the next Halloween. Broadcast monthly, the show's ratings had rapidly declined. It was the journalist Alexandre Baloud, passed by Europe 1, who hosted the program.


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Hélène Mannarino will not present this show

TF1 would like to exhume it. This is what the independent journalist Clément Garin argues on his website CG Scoops. On the other hand, contrary to what Clément Garin indicates, if the show is resumed, it will not be Hélène Mannarino at the animation. Culture Médias contacted her this morning and she denied this information.