China News Network Guangzhou, September 9 Topic: "The Eighth Suspect" is hot, Lin Jiadong frankly said that "the inner drama is the most enjoyable"

China News Network reporter Cheng Jingwei

The movie "The Eighth Suspect" is being screened, and the film has received 1 million yuan at the box office, leading the new films in the same schedule. "Premiere in Guangzhou" - The main creator meeting of the movie "The Eighth Suspect" was recently held in Guangzhou, starring Dapeng, Lin Jiadong and Sun Yang came to the scene to interact with the audience and share the stories in front of and behind the scenes.

Sun Yang (left), Lin Jiadong (middle) and Dapeng (right) appear at the meeting. Photo by Cheng Jingwei

"The Eighth Suspect" is based on the Panyu robbery case in Guangzhou that shocked the whole country in 1995, telling the story of the criminal gang led by Chen Xinwen, armed robbery of money trucks to commit a shocking crime, the main culprit disappeared into the vast sea of people, and the police carried out a 21-year murder story against the suspect. This is also the reason why the main creator meeting was held in Panyu, where the story took place.

Meet and greet site. Photo courtesy of Guangzhou Film Association

Dapeng, a native of the northeast, speaks Cantonese many times in the film. At the meeting, Dapeng said: "I have listened to Cantonese songs since I was a child, but I have never performed in Cantonese before, and this time I am very grateful that Jia Dong and Sun Yang can endure my Cantonese and insist on not laughing." ”

In the film, Dapeng interprets the state of the character Chen Xinwen in different periods, first gaining 20 pounds, and then quickly losing 30 pounds, switching freely between the image of a pot-bellied businessman in the 90s of the last century and the image of a black and thin fugitive after murder and escape. For this film, he won the "Best Actor Award" at the 2023th Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Goblet Award in 25.

Lin Jiadong. Photo courtesy of Guangzhou Film Association

Hong Kong actor Lin Jiadong uses Mandarin a lot in the film. Since most of the films were shot in Guangdong and Yunnan, Lin joked that he rarely filmed on the mainland for so long and spoke Mandarin all the time, and that he may have spoken as much Mandarin as he had in the past year during the filming.

Lin Jiadong this time plays Wang Shouyue, a policeman who has been persistently chasing the murderer for 21 years. For why the characters in the film are so persistent, Lin Jiadong explained that Wang Shouyue, as a police officer, has a mission to solve the case, especially the sacrifice of his colleague He Lan played by Zhang Songwen, which is a big blow to him, which is Wang Shouyue's regret and heart knot that lasted for more than 20 years.

Previously, in order to shape the role in a more three-dimensional way, Lin Jiadong went to the public security department to learn about the state and process of the police handling cases. Compared with previous police and bandit films that highlight action scenes, "The Eighth Suspect" pays more attention to presenting realism and does not have too much drama. The inner drama is what Lin Jiadong finds the most enjoyable part of this performance: "The audience has many choices for watching movies, not only visual stimulation, but also inner satisfaction. ”

From an unknown supporting role to the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Actor, Lam has created many characters that have impressed audiences. But he rarely recalls the past, and even "forgets" it as soon as possible every time he finishes filming a play: "I won't think too much after filming, because I always think about the past and trap myself." Every time I finish filming, I spend a week or two walking around and seeing different friends. ”

Young actor Sun Yang's previous performance in the movie "All or Nothing" attracted much attention, and this time he also performed well in "The Eighth Suspect". At the meeting, an audience member asked Sun Yang on the spot: "Will you not be able to walk out of the role of Chen Xinnian after filming this movie?" To this, Sun Yang replied that he took on a stage play after filming the film, and quickly eased and digested those uncomfortable emotions. (End)