Yasmina Kattou, edited by Alexandre Dalifard / Photo credit: Pixabay 06:43, September 09, 2023

This Saturday, the third Francophone Migraine Summit is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Health and Prevention. The objective of this day is to bring more information about this disease to some 45 million French-speaking migraine sufferers.

In France, 15% of the population is affected by migraine, or 10.5 million people. The care pathway is too often an obstacle course. This Saturday, at the initiative of the association La Voix des Migraineux, the third Francophone Migraine Summit will be held under the patronage of the Ministry of Health and Prevention. The goal is to provide some 45 million French-speaking migraine sufferers with access to knowledge about this disease.

The conferences will be accessible live, for all on YouTube from this Saturday at 16pm to inform you and learn to live better with it. To combat this disease, increasingly innovative treatments exist.

Divide by 3 the number of seizures

By 2024, a brand new preventive treatment will be available. It will divide by 3 the number of seizures by blocking a protein: CGRP. Present in excess in migraineurs, this enzyme causes dilation of the arteries and thus pain. These will be tablets to be taken every day, or every other day.

>> READ ALSO - How to avoid catching migraine, and how to fight it?

In fact, it acts as a drug marketed in France for 2 years, which consists of one injection per month. Problem: the price. On average, it costs 250 euros and it is not covered regrets Dr. Christian Lucas, president of the French Society for the Study of Migraines and Headaches. "In Germany, where this is reimbursed, there are 26,000 users while in France only 2,000. It's not because Germans are 13 times more likely to be migraine-positive, it's simply because it's reimbursed. There are patients who can afford it but with financial sacrifices. Then there are people who really can not afford it, "he laments at the microphone of Europe 1.

More than 50,000 patients would be eligible for these injections. The neurologist hopes that these drugs will soon be reimbursed in France, as is already the case in 24 European countries.