Regarding vaccination against the new coronavirus from next fiscal year, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is adjusting to conduct vaccination once a year between autumn and winter for people at high risk of severe illness, such as the elderly. Going forward, we will make a final decision based on the opinions of experts and others.

Vaccination of the new coronavirus vaccine is carried out as a "special temporary vaccination" in which the vaccination cost is fully borne by public funds because "there is an urgent need to prevent the spread", and even after the position under the Infectious Diseases Act was changed to Class 5 in May, vaccination continues free of charge.

On the other hand, the deadline for "special temporary vaccination" is the end of March next year, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is studying who is eligible for vaccination from next fiscal year onwards and how to bear the cost.

Under these circumstances, we learned that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is coordinating vaccinations from next fiscal year onwards to be administered once a year between autumn and winter.

We are considering the eligibility to receive vaccination as those who are at high risk of becoming seriously ill, such as the elderly over the age of 5, and will make a decision after listening to the opinions of experts and others.

In addition, with regard to the way in which vaccination costs should be paid, we will continue to consider whether to change to "routine vaccinations," which are some self-paying, as with seasonal influenza, and will compile a final policy by the end of this year.