Do you often feel EMO (short for the English word emotional, which stands for an emotion, meaning depression, negativity and restlessness)? Recently, the reporter noticed that many netizens found the reason for their EMO, which is related to the lack of vitamin D in the body. Lu Lijuan, director of the pain department of Nanjing Gulou Hospital, pointed out that vitamin D deficiency can indeed lead to various sub-health states, but it is not recommended to blindly supplement just because of "bad mood".

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Lu Yanlin

It is the lack of dimensional D, and many netizens have found the reason for EMO

Netizen Ms. Yao (surname) posted that she has been easy to EMO and sensitive since a long time ago, and she will suddenly be depressed when things are going well. Sleep 9 hours a day, sleep quality is not bad, but the next day is still uncomfortable and sleepy, especially rainy days. Ms. Yao has also tried the "coffee + exercise" method, but the feeling can only be relieved, and occasionally it is accompanied by symptoms of back pain. "After Xiaohongshu posted, Xiaohongshu's 'expert consultation' suggested that I check vitamin D, so I went straight to the hospital for testing, and the result turned out to be really deficient in vitamin D."

Netizen "Little Orange" wrote that he began to be anxious because he had a cold for a long time, and in the later stage, he directly became crying every day, "crazy", and could not stay alone in the house, otherwise he would have chest tightness and shortness of breath and panic, thinking that he had an anxiety disorder. "Occasionally brushing the missing dimension D will also be fatigue and EMO, and then I went to check, and sure enough, I lacked too much." The test report sheet posted by "Little Tangerine" showed that her vitamin D measurement value was only 16.47 ng/mL. There are clear quantitative criteria for vitamin D deficiency. The normal value of vitamin D should be greater than 30ng/mL, 20-30ng/mL is vitamin D deficiency, and less than 20ng/mL needs attention, at this time it is already in a state of vitamin D deficiency. This also means that the vitamin D value of "Little Tangerine" is only half of the normal value. After 3 months of addition, "Little Tangerine" updated the post again. This time, she said that she has returned to her original mood, "I am full of energy every day, cooking, exercising, shopping, chatting with friends, going out to bask in the sun every day, and I am in a super good mood." ”

"In the clinic, we often encounter such patients, who are full of discomfort and cannot detect diseases, and the results show vitamin D deficiency." Lu Lijuan, chief physician of the pain department of Nanjing Gulou Hospital, said in an interview with reporters that the lack of vitamin D will indeed lead to various sub-health states. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, mainly formed by ultraviolet radiation of cholesterol in the subcutaneous tissue, which has the function of regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, promoting the absorption and utilization of calcium, and forming sound bones and teeth. It is generally recognized that vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in old age, but it is actually related to chronic pain and other basics. Scientific research has confirmed that a considerable number of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and depression, tumors and other diseases have vitamin D deficiency.

Increase outdoor exercise and supplement vitamin D from sun exposure

Why is a good body missing? Director Lu Lijuan pointed out that vitamin D deficiency is not only related to specific groups such as pregnant women, the elderly, children, and obesity, but also has nothing to do with some of our bad lifestyles. Nowadays, a considerable number of people pursue "whitening", tightly covered and not willing to bask in the sun, less outdoor exercise, insufficient sun exposure, and sunlight is the most important factor for calcium absorption, which will cause insufficient vitamin D intake.

"Like this season, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., just expose your face and upper limbs for 15-30 minutes, twice a week." Director Lu Lijuan suggested that if there is a lack of vitamin D, in addition to changing lifestyle and increasing outdoor sports, eating more deep-sea fish oil, egg yolks, animal offal, soy products, etc. in the daily diet is a supplement to vitamin D intake, and can also be supplemented by oral vitamin D or active vitamin D.

It is worth mentioning that although experts have confirmed that EMO is indeed related to vitamin D deficiency, if you feel in a bad mood, the idea of blindly eating vitamin D to supplement is absolutely undesirable. "All kinds of vitamins can not be supplemented casually, and should be supplemented in a targeted manner after examination in formal medical institutions." The dosage and duration of supplementation should also follow the doctor's recommendations based on the results of the test. Director Lu Lijuan pointed out that too much vitamin D supplementation may also cause adverse reactions such as hypercalcemia, which is not worth the loss. Generally, a review is performed after three months of treatment, and the treatment plan is adjusted according to the results. (Yangtze Evening News)