"To say that the film completely poses a colossal challenge to traditional values, there is no such thing. It is, of course, grotesque, (made. - RT) in the style of comics, but in it, as in any material, there are ideas that are worth considering and perceiving. The film is designed, first of all, for adult and female audiences," said Danilenko.

The psychologist noted that gender relations in the film are built on confrontation, which is reflected in the example of two worlds - a large real one, where everything is ruled by caricatured men, and the toy kingdom of matriarchy.

"It somewhat grotesquely shows the disproportion in the relationship between a man and a woman: either a rigid matriarchy or a male world. Male characters (such posing as cool) behave ridiculously, they are characterized by masculinity and ridiculous machismo. Harmonious relations between women and men are practically not shown," she said.

According to the psychologist, the women in the film are shown either in a depressed state or as enterprising achievers who do not need men. At the same time, she added that there is a lot of symbolism in the tape, hidden in the replicas of the characters and plot twists: for example, the main character - "the quintessence of the classic Barbie doll" - has the shape of feet, involving the wearing of certain shoes. According to Danilenko, in this way the film illustrates the social demands put forward to women, and the associated difficulties of female self-identification.

"At the end, when she (Barbie. - RT) goes to the gynecologist, we see that she wants to understand who she is and deal with her feminine essence. If we talk about femininity as such, femininity and femininity are not identical concepts. Feminine is socially assigned roles, and femininity is a deep understanding of one's purpose as a woman, the one who gives life and supports its formation, it is not reduced to external signs. In the modern world, there is a substitution of concepts: brightly sexualized external signs are presented as a standard of femininity," Danilenko emphasized.

According to the psychologist, if you learn to manage the information flows coming from an ever-expanding new reality, then neither Barbie nor the extensive marketing campaign around it will be able to influence young minds. In addition, Danilenko said that the picture can serve as an occasion for "disidentification with the image of a superwoman" to the generation that grew up on such dolls, and have a healing effect on them.

"20 years have passed since the peak of Barbie's passion, now it is not perceived so acutely, not everyone is impressed by Barbie standards. Talking about the fact that this is a harmful movie or a toy that should be banned, indicate only social fears. We should not narrow the space of socialization for children and not make a cult out of anything. Most mothers who were once children influenced by Barbie standards have experienced these moments, and the remainder, of course, broadcast them to their daughters. The film can help them see everything more realistically, take a satirical look at their experiences, let go of their idols and close their inner gestalts," Danilenko concluded.

The world premiere of the adventure comedy "Barbie" took place on July 19. Foreign critics warmly received the picture, which set an annual record for the first weekend of rental. In Russia, the tape was dubbed, Margot Robi will traditionally speak in the voice of Tatyana Shitova.

Earlier in Lebanon, the screening of the film "Barbie" was banned.