Recently, "Hu Ge morning F late E", "officially diagnosed as Hu Ge" and other related topics have appeared on the hot search, many people shouted: It is undoubtedly me.

What exactly is the meme of "morning F and late E"?

This refers to the mental state of contemporary migrant workers who are scrappy and fighting in the morning, but decadent and depressed (emo) at night before going to bed.

In the past, when an individual had this kind of "sadness against the river" at night, he was often laughed at by his friends and called "disease-free moaning". After all, no one wants to believe that under normal circumstances, a brother or girlfriend who is still lively and cheerful during the day has undergone a 180-degree change in mood in just a few hours, and not to mention friends, even the parties wake up the next day, as if they have just experienced "a dream", and they can't say why.

What the hell is going on with such magical mood swings? There are also many people who are curious, is late-night depression considered a disease and needs treatment? To this end, the reporter of Qian Bao interviewed Tan Zhonglin, director of the Department of Depressive Disorders of the Mental Health Center Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine (Hangzhou Seventh People's Hospital).

"The topic of recent mood swings is relatively hot, from a medical point of view, many human behaviors and physiological phenomena, such as blood pressure, heart rate, etc. have a circadian cycle, this situation repeated at intervals of about 24 hours is called circadian rhythm, which is related to the homeostasis of the entire body." Chief physician Tan Zhonglin introduced that taking body temperature as an example, body temperature will rise in the morning, and body temperature in the second half of the night is the lowest in the day.

"Our human body is like a mobile phone, getting up in the morning is fully charged, but at night, after a day of consumption, the power bottoms out, and it is necessary to charge it in time, that is, rest." Chief physician Tan Zhonglin believes that "morning F and evening E" is a normal phenomenon, after all, no one can maintain a high-pitched mental state at all times, which is not conducive to sleep. But some patients with depression will show the opposite situation, get up in the morning and be depressed, and will be better at night, this part of the patients is called "morning heavy twilight", which is a manifestation of biological clock disorders.

The doctor introduced that in the challenging and stressful modern era, occasionally incarnating as a "sad literary writer" at night is not a big deal, as the saying goes: nothing can not be solved by sleeping. Instead of being irritable and anxious about this, it is better to learn to "compromise" with yourself, accept your imperfections, and be optimistic about mood swings.

Of course, this is also related to everyone's different biological clock: if it is a "night owl" type, if there is no obvious physical discomfort the next day, you can go to bed late and work a little more in the middle of the night; But if it is a "lark" type, it is still recommended to go to bed early and get up early, work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

"When the seasons change, it is recommended to adjust your living habits accordingly on this basis to make it easier for the body to achieve a balanced state." Chief physician Tan Zhonglin said that if you feel that emotional changes with seasonal changes have seriously affected normal life, you should see a doctor in time.

He Lina Jiang Sheng

(Qianjiang Evening News)