The news jumped just a week ago: Mediaset rejected the tribute in life to María Teresa Campos that her daughters, Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego, prepared. After Patricia Cerezo announced in July that the program was in preparation in Así es la vida, the communication group did not finally give the green light to the project. However, it seems that the idea did not fall on deaf ears.

All the media turned this Tuesday to remember the figure of María Teresa Campos, undisputed queen of the mornings and creator of a genre that continues to star in the television grids. Taking advantage of the special of Lazos de Sangre that RTVE dedicated at night to his figure, Jordi González announced that it will be the public entity that takes charge of the format.

"This house is preparing a very ambitious project to make a great tribute to María Teresa Campos, a program in which both your sister and you will have a lot to do," González said in a live connection with Carmen Borrego, to which she replied: "This great tribute that TVE wants to make to my mother was planned before what happened. But I think it's more important now than before."

As EL MUNDO has been able to confirm, RTVE has indeed bought the format of Cuarzo Producciones (Banijay Iberia), the producer behind La Isla de las Tentaciones, ¡Vaya vacaciones! and Así es la vida, although production times have not yet been established, much less there is a premiere forecast.

Carmen Borrego will be the director of this format and Terelu Campos the presenter. As reported by YoTele, media that exclusively announced the no of Mediaset, the sisters "already gave it for closed" and received "with great disgust" the refusal to go ahead with their idea.

Terelu's 'revenge'

In a frantic day of tributes and programming changes at the height of the farewell to a figure like María Teresa Campos, all the televisions were looking for one thing: to have a few words exclusively to Terelu. Although the two sisters gave statements to the numerous media gathered, the firstborn daughter of the mythical journalist made a curious choice when granting an interview.

While in Así es la vidaSandra Barneda had to settle for Terelu's general statements, Antena 3 had the full attention of María Teresa Campos' daughter for a few minutes exclusively, in an intervention that did not skimp on darts to the competition.

"I want to thank you that you have always been aware of her. Let everyone know. I have always received messages from you of concern and encouragement. I've never felt alone on your part. That's why I'm with you right now," Terelu explained, "when you started the program, she said you were the worthy successor of those of us who are or have been the queens of the mornings." A clear reference to Ana Rosa Quintana, who currently holds the throne and who, from next September 18, will compete with Sonsoles Ónega in the afternoon slot.

"I'm waiting for you on this set. Come one day and we talk about María Teresa and everything there is to talk, which is a lot, "proposed the host of Y ahora Sonsoles. "We will," replied, in the plural, Terelu.

  • Maria Teresa Campos
  • Terelu Campos
  • Mediaset
  • Telecinco
  • Articles Sara Polo