In response to Okinawa's defeat in a court case over the relocation of the U.S. Army's Futenma Air Base to Henoko, Nago City, three opposition lawmakers from Okinawa visited the Ministry of Defense and asked that the relocation not proceed.

Three opposition lawmakers from Okinawa visited the Ministry of Defense, and Masayoshi Akamine of the Communist Party responded to Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense Onoda, who said that "anger over the unjust ruling is spreading in the prefecture" over the prefecture's defeat in the trial over the relocation of Futenma Air Station to Henoko, Nago City, and asked him not to proceed with the relocation.

The three also requested that the Ministry of Defense abandon its plans to deploy a surface-to-ship missile unit to the Ground Self-Defense Force's detachment in Uruma City.

After the request, Mr. Akamine told reporters, "I am not convinced that the ruling is following the government even to the judiciary, and I would like to continue to work with Governor Tamaki to continue the campaign against the new base in Henoko," reiterating his intention to appeal against the relocation.