Solène Delinger 11:55 am, September 06, 2023

Louise Bourgoin was the guest of Europe 1 this Wednesday morning on the occasion of the release of her new film "Anti-Squat". At the microphone of Thomas Isle, the actress of 41 returned to the highlights of her career that she began on television. At the time, Louise Bourgoin was still called Ariane.

The French all know her by her usual name, Louise Bourgoin. But, in the intimacy, the 41-year-old actress is still called by her original first name, Ariane. Invited to the microphone of Culture Médias this Wednesday morning on Europe 1, the star, revealed in LeGrand Journal in 2006, confided in his change of name. It was when she arrived on Michel Denisot's famous show that the young woman had to change her first name... to avoid confusion with Ariane Massenet, journalist of Canal+.

"If I had a daughter, I would have called her Louise"

At the microphone of Thomas Isle, Louise Bourgoin explained that her relatives always called her by her real name. "It would be really weird otherwise," she added before chasing Thomas Isle: "Maybe one day you will have the right to call me Ariane, you never know..."


Find Thomas Isle and Culture-Médias every day from 9am to 11am on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

This is not the first time that Louise Bourgoin, currently starring in the film Anti-Squat, talks about her name change. She had confided on this subject last year in an interview with Madame Figaro. "At the 'Grand Journal', there was Ariane Massenet with me who was a columnist, and it didn't take two Ariane, so I was asked what I wanted to call myself, I thought Louise was very pretty, besides if I had had a daughter, I would have called her Louise. It means 'valiant in battle', in addition I liked what it meant, and then I loved the fact that Louise Bourgoin looks like Louise Bourgeois, who is my favorite contemporary artist!", explained the actress who loves to live with this double identity!