Following the investigation report of a special team of outside experts that admitted that the former president of Johnny's Office had repeatedly sexually abused a number of minors over a long period of time, the office will hold its first press conference on this issue on the afternoon of May 7.

The attendees and outline of the press conference have not been disclosed, but it will be interesting to see how the office will explain whether it will admit sexual abuse, specific measures to help victims, and the future management structure, including the resignation of President Julie Fujishima.

table of contents

  • 【Points to note at the press conference】

  • 【Thoughts of the people concerned】

  • Expert: "How to create a recurrence prevention system"

Open Table of Contents

table of contents

table of contents

  • 【Points to note at the press conference】

  • 【Thoughts of the people concerned】

  • Expert: "How to create a recurrence prevention system"

A special team of outside experts released an investigation report on the issue of a series of sexual abuse complaints by Johnny's Office President Janie Kitagawa, who died four years ago, and found that the former president had repeatedly sexually assaulted Johnny's Jr., mainly teenagers, over a long period of time. Measures to prevent recurrence were indicated.

In response to this, Johnny's Office has decided to hold its first press conference on this issue in Tokyo on the afternoon of March 4.

At the press conference, attention will be paid to whether the office will approve sexual abuse and how it will explain specific measures to help victims.

In addition, the investigation report cited one of the reasons for the problem, and said that President Julie Fujishima, the niece of the former president, should resign in order to prevent the harmful effects of family management.

The attendees and outline of the press conference have not been disclosed, but the focus is on whether President Fujishima will attend and explain the future management structure of the office, including his own resignation.

【Points to note at the press conference】

At the press conference of Johnny's Office, particular attention is paid to whether the office will approve sexual assault and specific measures to help victims. And the future system, including the advancement of President Julie Fujishima.

1. Former President's Admission of Sexual Abuse and Apology

A report by a special team of external experts on March 29 pointed out that it is essential for the firm to acknowledge the fact of Janney's sexual assault and sincerely apologize as the first step in making a fresh start.

In a video released by the office in May, President Julie Fujishima expressed the view that it is not easy to determine whether the contents of each accusation are true because the former president has passed away in a series of sexual assault accusations, and it will be interesting to see if the office acknowledges and apologizes for the former president's sexual assault in response to the special team's report.

2. President Fujishima's resignation What is the future office structure?

The report of the special team pointed out that one of the reasons for the problem was the negative effects of family management, in which no one can stop illegal actions by management, and said that President Julie Fujishima, the niece of the former president, should resign in order to start over.

At the press conference on the 7th, the structure of the office is expected to be indicated, including the departure of President Fujishima, and if President Fujishima resigns, attention will be paid to who will succeed him.

In addition, the focus is on whether to change the name of the current office that bears the name of the former president and whether to give up all the shares in the office that President Fujishima currently owns, and whether the firm can show its willingness to change in response to this issue.

3. Relief for victims Specific measures

The Special Team's investigation report stated that victims of sexual abuse by the former president should sincerely apologize to the victims, promptly start dialogue with the victims, and start remedy, and immediately establish a "victim relief system" to provide appropriate compensation for the recovery of damages.

At the press conference on June 7, the key point will be how far concrete measures for relief will be presented, such as the procedure for individually recognizing victims of sexual abuse by the former president and the content of compensation for victims.

【Thoughts of the people concerned】

Prior to the press conference at Johnny's Office, former celebrities who complained of being sexually abused by the former president expressed their desire for the office to admit the sexual assault, apologize, and face it firmly.

One of them, Yukihiro Oshima, joined Johnny's Office in 2 when he was in the second year of junior high school, and complained that he was sexually assaulted at the former president's home on the first day he joined the office, and that he was sexually assaulted more than 1998 times in the two years until he left the office.

Ms. Oshima, who joined the "Johnny's Sexual Perpetrators Association" last month and spoke about her own damage for the first time, said before the press conference, "By acknowledging the damage and apologizing, the wound will not heal or stop you from remembering, but I think it will be a little easier. I want you to apologize properly in front of us."

He also said, "There are people in the association who have been complaining about the damage for 2 years, and what the office unilaterally decides will be imposed rather than remedy, so I would like them to discuss and decide from the same perspective as the victims, and I would like them to provide relief including talents with scars who cannot confess their damage now."

In addition, Yasushi Hashida, who worked in the office for seven years from 200, confessed in May that he was harmed by the former president when he was 35 years old.

Since then, Mr. Hashida, who has set up his own consultation desk for victims separate from the associations of the victims, said, "I think it was a period of suffering for various people, both those who raised their voices and those who did not. I would like to pay close attention to the situation so that we cannot again create a composition that includes the media, which has been promoted by doing nothing even though there were people who could have been saved."

Regarding the future of the office, he said, "I want the office to create an environment where it is easy to raise your voice when there is a problem, and where the people who support you can think, 'It's okay now, it's okay to support you straight.' I think that the problem of society as a whole has been that there have been rumors for a long time but have not paid attention to them, so if that is dispelled and we become a good company, many people will be glad that they confessed, so I hope that it will change to that form as soon as possible."

Expert: "How to create a recurrence prevention system"

Professor Noboru Saijo of Edogawa University, who specializes in the history of popular performing arts and is also familiar with Johnny's Office, pointed out that "Compared to general companies, there were special parts, or on the contrary, there were parts that were able to show success, strengths, and characteristics because of them.

"What we need to think about is how to create a system to apologize, compensate, and prevent recurrence of sexual abuse problems. He said.