Wuhan Evening News (reporter Zhang Ming, correspondent Huang Jieying Ding Xiaoting) On September 9, a "sauce latte" coffee was highly sought after by consumers after its launch, and almost everyone in the circle of friends had a cup, many of them female consumers. Obstetric experts from Hubei Provincial Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital remind pregnant mothers to be cautious about chasing "Internet celebrity drinks".

"Director Zhao, my prenatal examination today is going well, can I go and drink a 'sauce latte' later?" On the afternoon of the 4th, in the consultation room of Zhao Yun, deputy director of obstetrics of Hubei Provincial Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Ms. Meng, a 27-year-old expectant mother, pointed to a coffee in the circle of friends and told the doctor, "This is today's explosive drink!" ”

"Fine wine and coffee, love this cup", a coffee brand launched a joint coffee "sauce latte", officially said that it added 53 degrees Kweichow Moutai wine. Ms. Meng opened the circle of friends, colleagues and friends seemed to be drying this coffee, which made her feel itchy in her heart, and she also wanted to buy a cup of "reward" herself.

Zhao Yun took the mobile phone and carefully checked the ingredient list, and issued a "no-drink order" to the mother-to-be. "This coffee contains alcohol, although it is less than 0.5%, but pregnant women cannot drink it." Zhao Yun explained that after pregnant women drink alcohol, alcohol can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, and will also flow into the fetal brain through the placenta, thereby invading the brain of the fetus that is not yet able to resist and destroying brain cells. Drinking alcohol in pregnant women can also lead to complications, with serious consequences such as miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight.

In recent years, "Internet celebrity drinks" have emerged one after another, and Zhao Yun reminded expectant mothers to pay attention to three points: sugar, ice and caffeine. The sugar content of drinks such as milk tea and fruit tea on the market is not low, and it is recommended that expectant mothers drink as little as possible and try to choose sugar-free, so as not to cause high blood sugar during pregnancy. Secondly, pay attention to the temperature of the drink, too cold drinks may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, leading to diarrhea and even the risk of premature birth. Finally, expectant mothers who have the habit of drinking tea or coffee before pregnancy, can drink some "gluttony" appropriately during pregnancy, but can not be greedy, try to control the intake of no more than 200mg of caffeine per day, the amount of energy is as small as possible, but also pay attention to milk tea, cola and other caffeinated drinks.