Sometimes it is not entirely clear what the comedian and presenter Aurel Mertz actually wants: to entertain or to initiate social debates? He became known with a video about the police, which North Rhine-Westphalia's Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) called a "slap in the face of every police officer". He later tweeted about equestrian fans and sparked an outcry in the scene. During his performances, he strives for gender-appropriate language and takes great care not to hurt any marginalized groups. An approach that seems to be succeeding. This Saturday, his show »Das große Menschenraten« will start on SWR television and in the ARD media library.

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Comedian and presenter Aurel Mertz

Photo: APress / IMAGO

In the podcast »Moreno+1«, host Juan Moreno and Mertz talk about the question of whether provocation has become a necessary part of business these days. Aurel Mertz admits that, even though he is considered left-wing, he is not only annoyed by extreme positions on the right-wing political spectrum, but also considers extreme positions on the other side to be dangerous.