China News Network Kunming, September 9 Question: Economic Observation: Why did the millennium Yi embroidery go international?

China News Network reporter Hu Yuanhang

After entering the stages of Beijing Fashion Week, Shanghai Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week, Yunnan Chuxiong Yixiu will enter Milan Fashion Week in September. How did this ancient skill, which originated in the mountainous areas of the southwest, move from "purdah" to "international"? What kind of sparks will the cross-border fashion clothing of "intangible cultural heritage" elements collide?

On the 6th, at the press conference of "Milan Fashion Week Chuxiong Yi Embroidery Conference" held in Kunming, heads of government departments, intangible cultural heritage experts, and Yi embroidery enterprises from Chuxiong, Yunnan Province, jointly solved this question.

The picture shows Chu Xiong Yi embroidery costume performance. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Chuxiong Prefecture Party Committee

With a history of more than 1700,<> years, Chuxiong Yi embroidery is a proud "fingertip art, spiritual flower" of the Yi people, with a unique style of deep culture, beautiful patterns, ingenious ideas, meticulous embroidery, lively stitching and rich colors. For thousands of years, generations of Chuxiong Yi embroiderers have "learned to cut two tailors, and three to pick flowers and embroidered shoes", using one stitch and one thread to continue the endless traditional skills.

Li Wenjuan, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Chuxiong Prefecture Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, introduced that on September 9, the Yunnan Chuxiong Yi embroidery ready-to-wear series with the theme of "flowing light and color, beauty and harmony" will be launched on Milan Fashion Week. This is Chu Xiong Yi embroidery from the oldest "village runway show" in Yongren Zhitho to Beijing Fashion Week, Shanghai Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, once again into the world's four major fashion weeks, and also represents China to participate in this Milan Fashion Week this national intangible cultural heritage project. At that time, 23 sets of cross-border fashion clothing and clothing embellished with Yi embroidery "intangible cultural heritage" elements will be released, and a media meeting of Chuxiong Yi Embroidery Milan Fashion Week will be held.

Li Wenjuan said that during the Milan Fashion Week, the Chuxiong Prefecture exhibition group will focus on promoting the high-quality development of Yunnan's national clothing and apparel industry, expanding the sales channels of Chuxiong Yi embroidery products and other matters to carry out docking and communication with foreign clothing enterprises, effectively opening up the commercial closed loop of creative design, production and processing, market sales and brand building of Yi embroidery products, and accelerating the distinctive, fashionable, industrialized and international development of the whole industry chain.

In fact, after the development in recent years, Chuxiong Yi embroidery has long developed from "fingertip skills" to "fingertip economy" to "fingertip industry", and has grown into an industry of 538 million yuan. According to statistics, up to now, Chuxiong Prefecture has cultivated 12 Yi embroidery business households, including 13 enterprises on the plan; The first batch of national and provincial non-genetic inheritors Yi embroidery workstations were named, 167 people were cultivated into the list of Yi costume non-genetic inheritors, 5,7 embroiderers, and 77 Yi embroidery workshops and 260 embroidery workshops were built. In 2022, the Yi embroidery industry in Chuxiong will achieve an added value of 2 million yuan.

The picture shows Chu Xiong Yi embroidery. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Chuxiong Prefecture Party Committee

This achievement comes from the efforts of government departments, industry organizations, enterprises and individuals. Li Wenjuan introduced that the local government adheres to inheritance in protection and innovation in inheritance, and has introduced 37 measures to support the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries and a "1+1+N" policy system to accelerate the high-quality development of the Yi embroidery industry; Formulate the country's first hand-embroidery standard represented by "Chuxiong Yi Embroidery", and unify the pricing standard, embroidery process and traceability system; Declare the regional public brand of "Chuxiong Yi Embroidery" to the relevant national departments to protect the intellectual property rights of Chuxiong Yi Embroidery; Successfully built the "Yi Embroidery Garden" incubated by Yi embroidery characteristic cultural industry; launched the "Yi Embroidery Tour" to experience the Yi embroidery inheritance boutique route; Take the lead in the country to innovate and launch the "Yi Embroidery Loan" exclusive bank loan "Yi Embroidery Loan" and reduce the logistics cost of Yi embroidery enterprises; and started the operation of Chuxiong Yi Embroidery Digital Cultural Industrial Park and Yi Embroidery Products Trading Center; The data collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination system of Chuxiong Yi embroidery industry was constructed.

In addition, the local area has also established the Chuxiong Prefecture Cultural Development Group Company and the Yi Embroidery Industry Federation with the development of the Yi embroidery industry as its main business, to build a system, promote production and expand the market, and form a strong policy synergy and work synergy. At the same time, the NPC continued to supervise the implementation of the Regulations on the Protection of Yi Costumes in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province; The CPPCC fully gathers the forces of various industries and fields to promote the development of Chuxiong Yi embroidery industry; The human resources and social security department actively applied to the relevant departments of the state and province for the special certificate of "Yunnan Province Special Vocational Ability Assessment and Specification Development Project - Yi Handmade Embroidery Craft Production", and solidly carried out embroidery training; Disabled persons' federations, women's federations and other mass organizations give full play to the advantages of the "federation" to effectively protect the rights and interests of embroiderers and people with disabilities.

Chuxiong Yi embroidered out of the mountains and sea, inseparable from the help of Shanghai, Guangdong, Fujian and other coastal provinces and cities. In March this year, Chuxiong Yi embroidery bloomed at Shanghai Fashion Week, and in June, it made a stunning appearance at the Shenzhen Cultural Fair. At the same time, Chuxiong Yi Embroidery also signed a cooperation agreement with the Administrative Committee of Meizhou Island National Tourism Resort to jointly establish a joint venture company to develop and sell "Mazu-Yi Embroidery" joint intangible cultural heritage and creative products, realizing the successful cooperation of the two intangible cultural heritage products of "Chuxiong Yi Embroidery" and "Mazu Culture", and synchronously selling online and offline in tens of thousands of Mazu cultural and creative product stores around the world; Cooperate with "China Shoe Capital" Putian shoe enterprises to develop "Chuxiong Yi Embroidery-Putian Shoes" joint cultural and creative products, and realize a successful handshake between Chuxiong Yi Embroidery and the international and domestic markets.

The picture shows Chuxiong embroiderers participating in Yi embroidery training. Photo by Fan Zhiyong

"Chuxiong Yi embroidery from a thousand years ago to today, from the deep mountains to the city, from the original ecology to the international transmutation, vividly interpreting 'the national is the world'." Li Wenjuan said that Chuxiong Yi embroidery entering Milan Fashion Week will be a strong collision and passionate embrace of "the most beautiful Chinese style and the most dazzling national trend" and international fashion, and it is also a concrete practice to strengthen cultural self-confidence and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Yi embroidery intangible cultural heritage.

In the next step, Chuxiongzhou will focus on industrial entities and brand building, publicity and promotion and market expansion, talent training to strengthen support, culture to empower rural revitalization, and strive to develop and expand 2025 backbone Yi embroidery enterprises with an annual operating income of more than 10 million yuan, 1000 key Yi embroidery enterprises with an annual operating income of more than 20 million yuan, and 500 Yi embroidery enterprises with an annual operating income of more than 100 million yuan by 100, to achieve the goal of 10,10 embroiderers and <> billion added value. (End)