On the morning of September 9, the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued a notice on the existence of live cattle entering the slaughterhouse in Dongguan.

The full text is as follows↓↓↓

On September 9, Nanfang + and other media reported the news that there were live cattle irrigated into the slaughterhouse in Dongguan City, the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attached great importance to and acted quickly, and immediately organized relevant departments to rush to the "live cattle irrigation den" involved in the Seven Sisters Mountain in Hetian Community, Houjie Town, Dongguan Food Co., Ltd. Nancheng Branch on-site investigation and disposal, the on-site live cattle urine sampling test was negative (mainly testing "clenbuterol"), at present, 5 personnel such as Li, the supplier of live cattle involved, have now been controlled by the public security organs, And suspend the live cattle slaughtering business of Nancheng Branch of Dongguan Food Co., Ltd.

After investigation, Li and others provided all the live cattle purchased from Hengli Ox Shop in Dongguan City, forcibly irrigated the live cattle in a farm in Seven Sisters Mountain, Hetian Community, Houjie Town, and sent them to the Nancheng Branch of Dongguan Food Co., Ltd. for slaughter, and the meat was sold to Dongguan, Guangzhou and other places. On the afternoon of September 9, the relevant departments quickly carried out a comprehensive investigation and interception of the relevant meat products, and sent them to the Dongguan Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Supervision and Testing Institute for testing, and the test results will be dealt with strictly according to law. At the same time, a law enforcement inspection team was dispatched to carry out in-depth detailed inspections of slaughtering enterprises, "lean buterol" testing and meat quality inspection of the four beef and mutton slaughtering enterprises in the city to ensure the standardized management of relevant slaughtering enterprises. From September 5, Dongguan will further tighten the control of entry, slaughtering and exit of cattle, sheep and pigs, and effectively improve the food safety supervision mechanism by implementing "point-to-point" transportation management between Hengli cattle and slaughtering enterprises, urging slaughtering enterprises to strictly implement the main responsibility for food safety, implementing closed-loop management of transportation vehicles, and improving the ability of video-based information supervision.

Food safety is no small matter. The Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have always adhered to the people-centered development concept and implemented "zero tolerance" for behaviors that endanger food safety. In the next step, Dongguan City will speed up the progress of investigation, draw inferences from one example, further strengthen the traceability and whole-process supervision of livestock, live poultry, aquatic products, etc., focus on slaughtering enterprises, farmers' markets, and fresh supermarkets (convenience stores) in the city, and quickly carry out a dragnet and carpet food safety hidden danger investigation and special rectification action, and resolutely protect the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the general public.

(South + Client)