Regarding the new system of "Japan DBS," a new system to confirm that people working in jobs that interact with children do not have a history of sexual crimes, persons who have been sexually abused have visited the Children and Family Agency and submitted a request requesting that they proceed with consideration to make the system effective.

The "Japan DBS," which the government is aiming to submit to the next extraordinary session of the Diet, requires those who wish to work in jobs where they interact with children to confirm that they do not have a history of sexual offenses, and the panel of experts of the Children and Family Agency has compiled a report in principle on the ideal five-day system.

On the 5th, in response to this, people who were sexually victimized as children and lawyers who provide support visited the Children's and Family Agency and submitted a request.

Regarding the use of the system, the report of the Advisory Council pointed out that "there is a possibility that people with a history of sexual crimes will gather in occupations that are not subject to the obligation" regarding the fact that private cram schools are not obligatory, but that a certification system will be established and use will be voluntary.

In addition, in order to expand the use of the system, we would like to see a system in which individuals who want to work for children register with a national agency and issue a crime-free certificate, rather than having businesses inquire about criminal records.

The government has decided to proceed with studies toward institutionalization based on the opinions of the report compiled by the panel of experts of the Children and Family Agency, and Ms. Ikuko Ishida, who submitted the request, said, "I would like you to consider making the system effective while listening to the voices of the people concerned, rather than proceeding with discussions in a hasty manner."