A team from the program Code 10 of Four was assaulted during its investigation into the consumption of fentanyl in Philadelphia, in the United States, according to the television network.

The use of this "zombie drug" is causing violence in some of its neighborhoods in the largest city in Pennsylvania, even during a live connection a shot could be heard.

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  • Writing: ISMAEL POVEDA Madrid

Fentanyl Hell in America: "I Consume Because It's the Only Way to See My Mother"


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  • Writing: L. FERNÁNDEZ Madrid

What is fentanyl: effects and how the drug that destroys the US is consumed

The situation of tension and insecurity forced the interruption of the connection of the television team with the sets of Madrid that echoed the work of Código 10 in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods not only of Philadelphia, but of the United States.

"Everything has fortunately been a big scare, but we cannot lower our guard because we are in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods. Just a few minutes ago we heard a shot, we are surrounded by fentanyl, "explained reporter Toni Rigo in his connection with Madrid.

The tension reached the filming location of the investigation team when he felt watched by the camels of the paqrue where fentanyl users congregate. "The problem is not them, it's the camels because the media is not well received," confessed a nervous Rigo with an attentive look at the movements in the area.

From the so-called syringe neighborhood, the cameras of Code10 had witnessed the devastating consequences of a drug that can be purchased for five dollars.

One of the affected neighbors of the neighborhood criticized before the cameras the police passivity. "The police are in scarecrow mode. They try to scare but they don't succeed," Israel says.

The Code 10 team is looking for the trace of fentanyl in Spain, the third country in the world where it is most consumed and which, in its assessment, can lead to a national health alert.

  • media
  • Four
  • Drugs
  • United States