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His music is played in all the clubs but, at 26 years old, he says that he is increasingly "lazy" to get ready to party at two in the morning. She is a woman from Malaga who landed in the world of entertainment with flamenco and then switched to pop.

For a time she was known for being the Spanish singer who triumphed in Italy, she was also Almodóvar girl in La piel que habito, now she is Ana Mena.

Her alter ego is the grieving diva, although she laughs and admits that "life doesn't go like that." However, he firmly believes that there has to be a small spark within him to bring it out; Otherwise, I would be faking everything.

Next Saturday you sing at the Wizink Center and... are you done with the tour?It's the biggest and most important concert, but the tour continues. In fact, we will probably do a deluxe edition of the tour with some surprises for next year. Right now everything is up in the air, but that's the idea a priori. Bellodrama is your first album after five years, right? Physically it's my second album, but personally it's the first one that I feel like mine, like Ana Mena. In the end, my first album (Index) was released when I was very young and the only thing that was clear to me was that I liked music and singing. Without knowing me at all. And I can't say if I know myself at all because to be an artist is to be in constant evolution. That's why I feel like this was the first album I've been fully involved in. You rose to fame through very party hits, but on the album you give some space to slow music. I wasn't consciously making slower music either, I was just doing what my body was asking for. I didn't want to condition myself or think: 'I have to make the hit'. In that sense, this album has been very free on a creative level, although there are many hits like Las 12. And yet it seems to me that it is still within the context of Bellodrama. You just released Aventura, which is Latin music. I have a lot of Latin rhythm songs. This song is by Zabdiel, one of the members of CNCO because they collaborated with me on a song called Ahora lloras tú, five years ago when I was starting, so I also really wanted to meet again. You always say that there are autobiographical songs and others are invented realities, which are invented? Many, I'm very much about making movies in my head. If the album has 13 tracks, I don't have 13 stories, it doesn't give me life. Artists give free rein to the imagination, in the end my album seeks to describe a concept, I do not seek to create a sequence of events. Your songs are heard at all parties, but from what you count you are not a party girl at all, how do you eat that? I'm not much, but when I go out, I do it with everything. I like quiet plans to be with friends in a house, go out to dinner ... I work a lot that's why I don't go out so much.How much can you go out per month? It is that I am increasingly lazy to get ready to leave at two in the morning, it does not rent me. It has to be that the day has been messed up and when it happens, I say: 'today I am going with all of them'. It depends a lot on the environment and the company. You started from a very young age, I imagine that there are things that, having been from one place to another, you have lost in life. I have sacrificed things voluntarily and, on the other hand, I have lived others. I don't regret it at all. I think that in the end, the one who wants something, something costs him. There's a lot I've experienced when their time has come, maybe not as soon as most of my friends, but when I felt safe and it was time for them to pass. I'd like to talk about your time in Italy, you were releasing a lot of music there. I was and we are. I always liked Italian music because it has a very interesting emerging scene of European artists. At first I didn't see it very possible, but I had the opportunity to collaborate with Fred de Palma who was just starting out, and I remember going to the studio repeating what Google Translator said. Without the support of anyone and at the same time.Word of mouth, we were climbing until it reached the top 100 of Spotify. It was something unusual that had never happened: a Spanish artist starting her career in Italy. The following year we repeated to check if it had been a coincidence or if something interesting could really be happening. It was very nice, I will always thank Italy for opening the doors and helping me find my sound. At first you were sold as the Spanish artist who triumphed in Italy, from what moment do you think that plot changed and you started to be Ana Mena? Well, good question. I think it has been very progressive, I would say that it was from Se iluminaba and after we continued it with A un paso de la luna, then Solo arrived with Omar Montes, which was the continuation of two songs that had been heard a lot. It was a work from single to single, but the evolution in the two countries has been nice anyway. There it happened suddenly and here at the root of a shovel, which also gives a lot of joy. Your father opened a bottle when you stayed the first in the list of Los 40.We had been keeping it I know how many years, he said that when he reached number one we would open it. Have you saved another bottle for new purposes? Well, notice that no, we are flowing. I would like to do several festivals in Latin America, take my tour there. These are my short-term goals. I don't set limits, I like what I do, I like music, I live my dream and I work every day as I have always worked since I was eight years old, for and to get there. But you will have your moments of downfall... Love, I've made an album called Bellodrama, how can I not have moments of downfall. In every way, I am a very sensitive person and questioning things. Have you ever had imposter syndrome? Sometimes I've had it, but I also feel like I started working on this very early on and I'm ready for this. But it depends on how I wake up in the day: it's been a constant cycle of getting up and falling, and it's only fair that it's that way because it's the way to build yourself as an artist and as a person. Don't you rule out returning to your role as an actress? I don't rule it out at all, but I do see myself making music -hopefully- all my life. I can't live without it, music is my way of being, of connecting with the world and with myself, of feeling fulfilled and expressing what I feel about everything... And I really like the life of music.What is the life of music? The life of music is to wake up every morning without knowing how the day is going to end. In general, anything can happen because it is not a monotonous life. In music you meet strange people all the time, we are all.An example of knowing how you start the day and not how you end? One day in Mexico I met Danna Paola to eat a taco in the street, I went out with a sweatshirt and tracksuit, and in the end she took me to a restaurant in the poshest neighborhood of the city. Then he says, 'Let's party,' and we start looking for places. In the queue of the disco we met a concert promoter who had brought the Black Eyed Peas in a reserved, we ended up with them and Will.i.am. And me in tracksuit. That is the life of the music: that I was going to eat a very quiet taco and suddenly I find a photo of me in a bun in the same reserved that Will.i.am speaking a kind of Spanglish andWhat other personalities have you met through this video? I've met Shakira, Rosalia... I am very shy at first, sometimes it can seem that it is arrogant when I really die of shame and I hate to bother others. I am self-conscious and I have a hard time getting up from my chair and talking to someone, it's something I'm working on. At events I do not have a great time, although it may seem so because of the photos on social networks. You have come from below: your father was a bricklayer and your mother a housewife, is that what keeps you humble? It is very important to know where you come from because it reminds you that things cost a lot of work, that you should never take anything for granted. My father had a construction company and I sometimes helped him with accounting. My parents took the time and money from where we didn't have any. We have always been a normal middle class family, sometimes there was only a salary at home: it was an effort they made to support me for what I liked to do most in life. I do not do all the leisure I would like, I have to take care of myself a lot, I am constantly traveling so meeting people is complicated, that it lasts in your life on a sentimental level is complicated although I have managed. Also see my family as many times as I would like. Go out and make a very normal plan... You have to be surrounded by people who understand it or dedicate themselves to something similar.Could we say that there is a differentiation between Ana Mena and simply Ana? Yes, in fact in this album I created an Instagram account that is the total alterego, or at least that's how I tried to express that she was called the 'suffering diva'. I think that's quite Ana Mena. There's always something character in the songs and it's fun that that's the case. When I see myself in the pictures on stage I feel very powerful, however, when I get off a lot of people tell me that I am a girl. And I'm affected by things that can affect any girl my age and I have my dramas... But there is a bit of an alter ego: I don't go through life like that, that's the moment when I allow myself to play a little and do the theater. Even so, I always say that that part must exist within you, otherwise you would be imposing something impossible to believe.

  • music
  • Italy
  • Pop
  • Concerts