Dunhuang, September 9 (ZXS) -- The exhibition "The Simplicity of the Great Avenue -- The Silk Road in the Simplified Wall" was launched in Dunhuang, Gansu Province on 6 September, displaying more than 6 simple mucks of various kinds unearthed in Gansu, including "the world's first simple sword", the "old age certificate" of the Han Dynasty, and the ancient "office regulations", including genuine national treasure-level simple mug, attracting many visitors to watch and discuss hotly.

On September 9, "Rites" Jane was exhibited in Dunhuang, Gansu Province. Photo by Yan Jiao, reporter of China News Agency

The authentic piece of "Liturgy" exhibited this time is about 51 centimeters long, and is known as "the world's first simple" because of its complete preservation, large quantity and high documentary value. Dang Xiongwei, a docent of the Gansu Provincial Museum, said: "The "Liturgy" Jane is the longer of the Han Janes currently unearthed, with high cultural value and a noble status in the Han Jian, and it is also the oldest version of the "Liturgy" seen so far, which was unearthed in 1959 in the Mozui Zihan Tomb in Wuwei City, Gansu Province, and protected by a vacuum tube. ”

"The Han Dynasty 'Old Age Certificate' refers to the 'Wang Jie Edict Order', which is an exclusive edict decree for the elderly over 70 years old in the Han Dynasty, and the content records the policies and implementation of the Han Dynasty's respect for the elderly and the elderly." Dang Xiongwei said.

The exhibition presents the political, military, cultural, commercial and people's livelihood of the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. The prologue department gives an overview of the uniqueness, importance and richness of Gansu Jianmu; The main hall is divided into four units: Silk Road Witness, Han Sai Xiongguan, Biansai Life, and Exchange and Mutual Learning, telling about the formation and development of the Silk Road, the maintenance of traffic security along the route, the life of Hexi residents, and the exchange and integration of Eastern and Western civilizations; The tail hall explains the concept of the simple mu from the aspects of use, shape, content and production.

What are the classifications of Jane? What are the steps required to make a stool? What ancient ways of life are hidden in the simple sword? At the exhibition site, relevant cultural relics are displayed at the same time as the simple mu, and the content and cultural relics are confirmed by the simple mu, and a variety of auxiliary means such as exhibition panels, sand tables, models, scene restoration and digital images are appropriately used to facilitate the understanding of visitors.

Gansu is a large province of Jian, known as the "hometown of Han Jian", unearthed more than 61000,<> Han Jian of various types, accounting for more than half of the total number of Han Jian unearthed in China, including Dunhuang Han Jian, Juyan Han Jian, Shoulder Water Jinguan Han Jian, Hanging Spring Han Jian, Wuwei Han Jian, covering all fields of the ancient Silk Road, diverse literary styles, rich forms, and large amounts of historical information. Gansu Hanjian is also known as the "encyclopedia of Han Dynasty history", providing "first-hand information" for restoring the historical rise and fall of the ancient Silk Road and exploring the exchanges and mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations. (End)