Regarding the "Heat Stroke Special Warning Alert," which is to be issued on days when the temperature is particularly high from next year, the Ministry of the Environment has indicated that it will be announced at the prefectural level when the predicted heat index value is 35 or higher at all observation points.

Currently, in addition to the "Heat Stroke Warning Alert" that is announced when the predicted value of the heat index reaches 33 or more at any observation point in the prefecture, the government plans to issue a higher "Heat Stroke Special Warning Alert" from next year if the temperature rises further.

On the 6th, the Ministry of the Environment announced the standard that the predicted heat index value is 35 or higher at all observation points in the prefecture.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, there have been no cases in the past where the heat index was 35 or higher in all places in the prefecture, and a large number of people were transported due to heat stroke, and the heat could cause serious damage to health.

When a special warning alert is announced, local governments are required to open pre-designated "cooling shelters," but this standard states that the minimum requirement is that there is regularly maintained air conditioning and that people are not crowded.

In the future, the Ministry of the Environment will present specific examples to local governments and call on them to designate shelters, including private facilities.