Mélanie Gomez / Photo credit: Thibaut Durand / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 06:24, August 23, 2023

With the high temperatures that have affected the entire Hexagon for several days, one of the most serious risks in terms of health is "heat stroke". The overheating organism can lead to death. Europe 1 gives you the best advice to stay hydrated during the heat wave.

The heat wave does damage to our body and sometimes, the advice we apply to fight against these hot weather are not necessarily the most productive. A tourist in Lozère, who was hiking under 38 ° C was helicoptered, this Tuesday, August 22, in absolute emergency to a hospital in Montpellier. When it's very hot, our first instinct is to drink almost iced drinks. However, this refreshing habit can cause stomach cramps on the one hand, but above all, sends a bad signal to our brain. This makes him believe that it is no longer necessary to lower the temperature of our overheated body.

>> READ ALSO - "It's a strong measure": faced with the heat wave, Marseille opts for free swimming pools

Drink temperate water

Hot drinks are not useful either, they make us sweat more, so they lose water. A water that must be consumed again afterwards, to stay well hydrated. The advice is as follows: during a heat wave, drink temperate water.

The amount of water can also be an issue. "The risk, when we drink too much water, is to dilute the elements that are in our blood and in particular the sodium level. If you drink a lot, you cannot eliminate this water and you lower your salt concentration in the blood. Your organs are not going to like it at all, especially your brain," says Professor Gilbert Deray, a nephrologist.

In the end, for most people, under normal conditions, that is to say sheltered when the mercury is at its highest, a liter and a half to two liters of water a day is enough. On the other hand, for people very exposed to hot weather, do not hesitate to double the dose.