One of the big Christmas movies at the cinema will be "Bamse and the World's Smallest Adventure", the latest story about the world's strongest bear premieres on December 22.

In the film, Bamse's daughter drinks Teddy-Lisa XYZ juice that Skalman has cooked and suddenly becomes tiny. So small that she ends up with the bugs in nature when she tries to get home.

Secretary General of FS

There, Carl Bildt appears, as Secretary General of FS, United Bugs.

– I thought it sounded fun when I was asked the question and of course I was happy to participate, says Bildt.

Admittedly, it is a small role. But it wasn't that easy to get to, he says.

"It's painstaking work. For me, these phrases took a few hours to get just right.

TT: You've met a lot of statesmen, who did you base your interpretation on as the UN chief of the bugs?

"I honestly don't think I based my interpretation of the role on anything at all.

Tie with Bamse

I honestly don't think I based my interpretation of the role on anything at all. This is not the first time Carl Bildt has been associated with Bamse. During his time as prime minister in the early 1990s, he gave away Bamse ties to world leaders, including to then-US President Bill Clinton in the White House in 1993.

"It was my daughter Gunnel who thought I should bring a Bamse tie to President Clinton on one of my visits to the White House. It was much appreciated.