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US comedian Pete Davidson

Photo: Evan Agostini / Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

After a court summons for reckless driving, American comedian Pete Davidson, 29, has to help out with the New York Fire Department. A court in Los Angeles had ruled that Kim Kardashian's ex-boyfriend had to do 50 hours of community service, among other things, the New York Times reported. Davidson plans to do this with the fire department.

According to authorities, the comedian was involved in a "serious collision" with a house in a residential area of Beverly Hills with his vehicle in March. The car grazed a fire hydrant and then crashed into a house wall. No one was seriously injured, but Davidson was summoned to court for reckless driving.

Davidson's father, Scott, worked for the New York Fire Department. He was killed while deploying his unit after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Davidson processed this experience in the 2020 film »The King of Staten Island«, among other things.

Pete Davidson is best known for his appearances on the late-night show "Saturday Night Live", but the comedian has also starred in series and films more often.

The comedian also made headlines in his private life: After being temporarily engaged to singer Ariana Grande in 2018, he dated TV star Kardashian for a few months in 2022.
