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Aircraft at Munich Airport (symbolic image): Emergency call from passengers

Photo: Kevin Hackert / IMAGO

At Munich Airport, passengers had to wait for hours in an overheated plane – now the airline has commented on the incident. "We are deeply saddened by the inconvenience caused on one of our flights and apologize to all passengers in Germany and Turkey," the Turkish airline Tailwind said in a statement.

The plane was supposed to fly from Munich to Antalya last Sunday, but was initially unable to take off due to technical problems. Passengers had finally made the emergency call after about three hours in the heated aircraft. As a result, the airport staff had taken them out of the plane via stairs and they were treated by the emergency services. The public prosecutor's office in Landshut has started investigations against the airline.

»Miscommunication between crew and ground staff«

Tailwind announced that it would investigate the incident to avoid such complications in the future. "We investigate internally on the basis of records, statements from the crew and information from the parties involved. However, initial results show that there was miscommunication between our crew and ground staff," the airline said.

According to the pilot's request, the ground staff needed about an hour to provide stairs. However, the airline sees "no signs of intentional misconduct and recklessness".
