• Kevin Spacey Found Not Guilty of All Charges at Trial for Sexually Assaulting Four Men
  • Trial Kevin Spacey declares himself "deeply hurt" by so many "exaggerations and lies"

Once again, Kevin Spacey has been exonerated by the Justice of the criminal charges against him for sexual harassment. This time, in London, where he faced twelve accusations, to which during the trial was added a thirteenth, of four men who should have been sexually assaulted by the actor between 2004 and 2011. It's almost a tradition. In 2018, the Los Angeles Justice found him not guilty. In 2019, that of Massachusetts. In 2022, a New York court said he was not civilly liable in another case.

So Spacey, according to the judges' verdict, has not sexually assaulted anyone. Exactly the same as, for example, Woody Allen, target of a smear campaign by his ex-wife, Mia Farrow, and one of her adopted sons, Ronan. Of course: since then, Allen's closure has plummeted, especially in the United States. Many stars have proclaimed before God and before History that they will not participate in their films again. The French publisher Hachette, which has been publishing the memoirs of Rudolf Höss, the director of the Nazi death camp of Auchswitz, has refused to publish Allen's memoirs. And the director's new film has been financed and made in France. In fact, it is his first film that is not in English. Johnny Depp's career has suffered a similarly brutal blow after his ex Amber Heard accused him of domestic violence.

The prospects for Spacey, thus, do not look very promising. The cases of Allen and Depp suggest not the end of a career, but a drastic reduction in the expectations of the person accused and found innocent. It should not be forgotten that, due to the accusations, Spacey was digitally erased from Ridley Scott's film All the Money in the World, in a technological effort to alter history that would have made Stalin's political commissars salivate.

The accusations have also had a significant financial impact for the artist, who has had to compensate with 31 million dollars (28 million euros) to the producers of the Netflix series House of Cards, of which he was the protagonist, when the scandal exploded and he was fired. It is the version of Hollywood in the XXI century of the castizo "besides cuckolded, beaten". As Hollywood branding and PR expert Mark Borkowski has said, "The outcome of the trial has put an end to all the noise. The question, however, is is Kevin Spacey going to be Kevin Spacey going to be Kevin Spacey again? Will he be able to regain his position at the top of Hollywood? Unfortunately, no."

  • Kevin Spacey
  • Hollywood
  • Justice
  • Sexual harassment
  • Johnny Depp
  • Woody Allen
  • Articles Pablo Pardo

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