NASA plans to make a trip in October to a precious asteroid believed to be made of solid metals and worth more than Earth's economy.

This golden asteroid, known as "Psyche 16", is located in an asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and dates back to the late 19th century, and NASA aims to search for an object made not of gas or rock, but of minerals.

This asteroid, shaped like a potato, is about 226 kilometers wide, consists of iron, nickel and gold, and contains $10,15 quadrillion (quadrillion is one with <> zeros or <>,<> trillion).

This means that the value of the asteroid is greater than the economy of the entire Earth, as the value of the Earth's economy in 2022 was estimated at $ 100 trillion, and if this wealth were divided among the inhabitants of the Earth, each individual would receive about $ 1.25 billion.

Dream of getting rich

This appreciation led some to see that it is possible for a person to exceed in his dreams, and he has the right to aspire to be a billionaire, which received comments from tweeters that the program "Shabakat" (2023/7/27) monitored part of.

Ahmed wrote sarcastically: "NASA means answering him to Earth, for example, and not every year you take a piece of it?" Sofiane tweeted, "This agency is used to talking about an asteroid containing such and such, and then it says in the end how many light years away on Earth."

As for Huda, she said, "And still the future is coming with space mining and mines owned by countries in planets and asteroids. It's amazing!!".

Cooper believes that "the value of gold from its scarcity, if it is available in abundance, will not be more expensive than iron," which Peter agreed with, who asked in his tweet, "But how do the inhabitants of the earth become billionaires if the price of gold collapses?".

This question is consistent with what is known economically according to the logic based on supply and demand, as it is not possible if this amount of minerals are available to remain the same as they are scarce, while reports indicate that bringing all these metals to Earth could lead to the collapse of the global economy.