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Shipwrecked Tim Shaddock

Photo: 9news

An Australian shipwrecked man has been found alive after three months in the Pacific – he survived thanks to raw fish and rainwater. This is reported by the Australian channel 9 News . His condition was "stable and very good," the man said. His dog Bella is also said to have survived.

According to the television station, 51-year-old sailor Tim Shaddock set sail on a catamaran from La Paz, Mexico, in April. His destination was French Polynesia, a group of islands in the middle of the Pacific. It is located more than 6000 kilometers from the Mexican coast.

After just a few weeks at sea, however, a storm damaged the catamaran. All radio and on-board electronics failed. Apparently, the catamaran was also no longer maneuverable.

Shaddock survived by drinking rainwater and catching fish – he had fishing equipment on board. He also got his dog through in this way. They ate the fish raw. They spent the days hoping for salvation.

After about three months at sea, a helicopter from a tuna trawler spotted the catamaran last Thursday.

Shaddock was healthy, in his right mind and in good spirits, they said. In pictures, Shaddock can be seen emaciated and bearded, but also smiling. "I've come through a very difficult time at sea," he said. "Above all, I need rest and good food now, because I've been alone at sea for so long." He is now back on board the fishing trawler on his way to Mexico.
