Kunming, July 7 (Zhao Zhiqing) "Beautiful China, I am a doer" - the 15 Yunnan Ecological Civilization Research and Practice Activity was launched on the 2023th at the Fuli Palace of the Kunming Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and young people from Shanghai and Yunnan will go to many places in Yunnan to experience Yunnan's rich biodiversity and ecological civilization construction achievements in the form of experiential learning and research learning.

This activity aims to integrate ecological civilization education into the whole process of educating people, guide young people to firmly establish the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, cultivate children's awareness of ecological environmental protection of respecting nature and protecting nature, and provide all-round talent, intellectual and spiritual cultural support for the construction of ecological civilization.

The picture shows young people visiting and studying at the Kunming Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Photo by Zhao Zhiqing

At the same time, the activity will widely disseminate the knowledge and concept of ecological civilization through the link of "student-school-family-society", and call on the whole society to actively participate in ecological environmental protection and ecological civilization construction.

During the seven-day activity, young people from Shanghai and Yunnan will go to the Kunming Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the form of experiential learning and research learning, Fuli Palace, Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve, and Erhai Conservation Science Popularization Center, focusing on the themes of Yunnan alpine plants, Yunnan golden snub-nosed monkey protection and rescue, Erhai protection and governance, etc., and experience Yunnan's rich biodiversity and ecological civilization construction achievements on the spot.

The relevant person in charge of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment said that biodiversity conservation requires the participation of the public, especially young people. Young people are the hope of the nation and the future of the country. Through this study and practice activity, it is hoped that young people can have a deeper understanding of Yunnan's biodiversity, especially the conservation of Yunnan golden snub-nosed monkey, so that the knowledge of biodiversity conservation is not limited to books, and biodiversity conservation is not limited to schools. At the same time, through this research and practice activity, we hope to provide more and better opportunities for young people to understand biodiversity, so that the seeds of biodiversity can take root and germinate in the hearts of young people, so that young people can grow into an important force for biodiversity conservation.

The picture shows teenagers learning about tropical plants in the Fuli Palace of the Kunming Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Photo by Zhao Zhiqing

It is reported that the event was jointly sponsored by the Yunnan Provincial Ecological Environment Publicity and Education Center and the Children's Palace of the China Welfare Association, and co-organized by the Kunming Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. (End)