【Commentary】On June 6, the 22th China (Changchun) Animation Art Fair opened, multinational animation works and derivatives appeared in the exhibition, Chinese animation film production teams also brought their works to the exhibition, a large number of animation fans from Northeast China "immersive" exhibition...

With the theme of "Unbounded Animation and Sharing the Wonder", this year's exhibition has built a platform to promote the development of Changchun's animation industry and participate in international competition and exchanges through a series of colorful animation activities, animation works and derivatives, facing both domestic and international markets.

【During the same period】 Zhang Huang, secretary general of Changchun Animation and Comics Association

Facing the domestic and international markets, build a broader digital cultural industry display and promotion platform, exchange and cooperation platform and transaction sharing platform, and build a regionalized, international and professional animation art center and cultural and creative industry center in Northeast China. The organizing committee also hopes that through this event, the majority of comic fans will be encouraged to start their own businesses and promote the activity and participation of the domestic animation market.

【Commentary】The well-known Japanese light novel exhibited and sold by exhibitor Ge Enyu is popular with many anime fans, and the sales of books are very impressive. Ge Enyu said that he hopes that the platform of China (Changchun) Animation Art Fair will be more diversified and promote the exchange and development of Chinese and foreign animation culture.

【Contemporaneous】Exhibitor Ge Enyu

The main thing is to introduce some of the more well-known light novel IPs in Japan, which has the opportunity to make the comic exhibition more diversified, and also gives the fans of the comic exhibition the opportunity to understand foreign manga (novels), and also promotes the cultural exchange of fans at home and abroad.

Xia Mingze is one of the directors of the Chinese animated film "Cha Ah Er Zhong". On the same day, he also appeared with the creative team to interact with fans.

It is reported that "Tea Ah Two Middle School" is a domestic IP that has been continuously created for 9 years, and the cumulative number of views of four seasons of dramas, derivative dramas and short videos has exceeded 78.<> billion times, which can be described as quite successful.

Xia Mingze, who is very optimistic about the development prospects of China's animation industry, said that the development of the industry is inseparable from the support of young people, which also pushes people in the industry to strive to create better works.

【Contemporaneous】 The director of the animated film "Tea Ah No. 2 Middle School" Xia Mingze

The development of domestic animation is now getting better and better, and there are more and more themes, more and more themes, and more and more forms, and fans or domestic audiences give great support to Chinese animation, and they are increasingly recognizing the IP of domestic animation. Because of the support of the audience and the support of the platform, more teams are willing to dive into what kind of story to tell you and polish a story, and everyone will now be more willing to try different themes and stories, themes, and tell everyone.

Reporter Lu Shengnan reported from Changchun

Responsible Editor: [Lu Yan]