On the evening of June 6, the Red Star News reporter received a report that at about 22:22 p.m. on the 1nd, a student fell to his death at Luoyang Institute of Technology, and the student's family has not yet seen the student's body.

The reporter contacted the family members of the students mentioned in the report, who said that the student who had the accident was named Liu Mouhao, a sophomore student majoring in civil engineering at Luoyang Institute of Technology. At 22:1 p.m. on the 20nd, Liu Mouhao sent a suspected "last word" message to his mother's WeChat, and the family contacted him many times without success, and after driving from Zhengzhou to the school, he confirmed the news of the child's death.

For this matter, a staff member of Luoyang Institute of Technology responded to the Red Star News reporter, saying, "After Liu Mouhao fell down, the school immediately dialed 120 and 110, and finally after the forensic doctor confirmed the student's death, he was pulled to the funeral home." As for the cause of the fall, it is still unclear, and everything will have to wait for the conclusion of the police investigation. ”

Student sends suspected "last words" to mother

About half an hour later, he fell to his death from the school building

According to the official website of Luoyang Institute of Technology, the university is a full-time ordinary undergraduate college in Henan Province, with three campuses: Wangcheng, Kaiyuan and Jiudu.

The Red Star News reporter learned that the student's death occurred in the Wangcheng campus. According to the family members of the students who died, Liu Mouhao was a sophomore at Luoyang Institute of Technology, majoring in civil engineering at the school, and "his academic performance has been good." ”

↑Screenshot of the official website of Luoyang Institute of Technology

A video provided by anonymous sources shows a man suspected to be wearing a white shirt and light-colored pants lying on the ground with two police officers at the scene, one standing and one crouching next to the fallen man.

Liu Mouhao's family said that they had just seen the video, and Liu Mouhao's accident was the location in the video.

According to his introduction, at about 22:1 p.m. on the 20nd, Liu Mouhao suddenly sent a WeChat message to his mother, suspected of "last words": "Mom, they sent my privacy to the freshman group, I left, I hope my brother can take care of you." Don't be saddened by my departure because it's not worth mom. ”

Screenshots of the chat show that after seeing the message, Liu's mother called his WeChat phone number at least six times, but never answered.

↑Screenshot of Liu Mouhao's WeChat chat with his mother provided by the family

The family said that after seeing Mr. Liu's news, they tried to call him while urgently driving from Zhengzhou to Luoyang, which took almost an hour. "During this time, a man who claimed to be a school teacher called us and asked us to go directly to the hotel to talk. We said we were going to school, we wanted to see our children, we wanted to see people dead and we wanted to see corpses. ”

According to him, when the family arrived at the scene of the incident, they only saw a pool of blood on the ground, "We learned after several tosses and turns that the child fell around 1:50 a.m., in the school's teaching building, specifically the number of buildings, because they were not familiar with the school and could not say." ”

"We offered to see the child, but the school said the police were investigating and we haven't been allowed to see the child until now. Later we learned that the school pulled the child directly to the funeral home. The family said.

According to reports, Liu Mouhao has an older brother who has now started a family. After Liu Mouhao was admitted to Luoyang Institute of Technology, his family has always been very happy for him, but he never thought that he would suddenly fall off the building, "Liu Mouhao has always had a good personality, quite sunny and cheerful, and relatively filial. Before this accident, he did not show the idea of suicide. ”

In addition to being able to see the child, the most important thing for the family at present is to find out the reason for the child's fall and what the aforementioned WeChat mentioned "send my privacy to the new student group" means.

On the afternoon of June 6, Liu Mouhao's family reported the latest news on the matter to Red Star News reporters, saying that the school and the police had negotiated with the family once, and the family expressed the above demands, "The school and the police said that the cause of the fall needs to be further investigated." ”

School: The student showed no signs of suicide before the incident

When the police have reached a conclusion, a circular will be issued as appropriate

Red Star News reporters contacted Luoyang Institute of Technology about the student's death. A staff member of the school told reporters that the school is actively resolving the matter.

The staff member said, "Liu Mouhao is a very good student, and there was no sign of suicide before the incident. At noon on the day of the incident, he also ate with his classmates, and after eating, he went out alone for more than an hour. Surveillance video shows that after he returned, he went straight to the teaching building and jumped from the building at about two o'clock. ”

After the student fell from the building, the school immediately dialed 120 and 110, and the ambulance and police arrived at the scene in time, and finally confirmed that Liu Mouhao was dead. After the police conducted an investigation of the scene, the body was pulled to the funeral home. The above staff member said.

Regarding the cause of Liu Mouhao's death, the staff member said: "At present, it is difficult to guess, what the "they sent my privacy to the freshman group" mentioned in the WeChat screenshot sent by the student's family members means, and the school has not yet learned about the relevant news." ”

According to him, Liu Mouhao's mobile phone is currently in the hands of the police, and it is not known whether there are more chat records in the mobile phone to help find out the cause of his death. "Another point, Liu Mouhao went out alone for more than an hour, what exactly happened, it is still not clear. These need to be known after a police investigation, and we have been waiting for the police to conclude. The staff member said: "No one wants to do such a thing, but when it happens, the school will definitely deal with it actively and safely." After the police have the conclusion of the investigation, we will also release a report on this matter as appropriate. ”

At the same time, Red Star News reporters tried to contact the police who handled the matter. At press time, the phone had gone unanswered.

Red Star News intern reporter Qi Biao reporter Wu Yang