China News Network Chongzuo, June 6 Topic: Guangxi Zuo River on the bank of the hundred boats racing dragon boat staged "fast and furious" on the water

Written by Huang Huajiang Yang Chen

"Teams pay attention - prepare - row!" On June 6, with the referee's order, several dragon boats on the Zuo River in Shangjin Township, Longzhou County, Chongzuo City, Guangxi, were like arrows, splitting waves and moving forward at great speed. In the cheers and shouts of the audience, the participating teams competed to catch up with each other, striving to the finish line, and jointly interpreted the "speed and passion" of water dragon boats.

On the same day, the 22th Dragon Boat Race of the "Agricultural Commercial Bank Cup" in Shangjin Township, Longzhou County was held in the section of the Shangjin Tourism Wharf on the Zuojiang River. The competition is set as a 22-man men's and 800-person women's standard dragon boat 42m straight race, attracting a total of 22 dragon boat teams from various townships in Longzhou County and Jiangzhou, Ningming and other counties and districts of Chongzuo City, including 20 men's teams and <> women's teams.

Match site. Photo by Liu Zhenyong

Early in the morning, the drums of the section of the Shangjin Tourist Pier on the Zuojiang River were heaven-shaking and lively. Tourists and locals from far and wide gather on the banks of the Zuojiang River to see the grandeur of dragon boat racing.

"The dragon boat race is very watching, and the spirit of each team fighting hard is amazing. The scenery of Longzhou is also very beautiful, and I will come to see it often in the future. Ms. Tang, a tourist from Jiangzhou District of Chongzuo City, said at the scene.

Match site. Photo by Liu Zhenyong

"Dragon boat race, see Dragon State". Longzhou County Dragon Boat culture has a long history, there has always been the traditional custom of dragon boat racing during the Dragon Boat Festival, and the rock paintings of the Zuojiang River have the pattern of Luo Yue ancestors riding boats through the Zuo River. Longzhou County Shangjin Township dragon boat racing has become a folk water sports and amusement activity since the Qing Dynasty, and has been quite large-scale during the Republic of China. After years of inheritance and development, the dragon boat race of the Dragon Boat Festival has become a grand event for displaying the charm of national culture, promoting economic and social development, and promoting national unity and progress.

After fierce competition, the Shangjin Xiao'an men's team and the Shangjinhe village women's team won the men's and women's championships respectively.

"This is the result of the hard work of each of our players. Unity can win, love to fight to win! He Dongbing, captain of the men's dragon boat team in Xiao'an Village, Shangjin Township, said happily.

Match site. Photo by Liu Zhenyong

"We must carry out and pass on the dragon boat racing activities with a deep foundation for the people, so that more people can love this sport, exercise their bodies, enhance their physique, and feel the charm of dragon boat culture." Tan Chunli, member of the Standing Committee of the Longzhou County Party Committee and director of the Publicity Department, said in her speech at the event that this year, the local area has accelerated the integration of culture and tourism, continued to promote "monthly activities, seasonal characteristics", and focused on building Longzhou's characteristic tourism brand, showing the charm of Longzhou folk culture, and promoting high-quality economic and social development.

On the same day, a series of activities such as dragon and lion dances, cultural performances, and agricultural product exhibitions and sales were also arranged at the competition site, so that the majority of tourists could enjoy a rich folk culture feast while watching the wonderful dragon boat race. (End)