China News Network Hefei, June 6 Topic: "Post-9s" Doctor of Veterinary Medicine: Chasing Dreams in Jianghuai Land Rural Revitalization

China News Network reporter Zhang Qiang

Short hair, glasses, white coat, competent, full of learning... This is the first impression given to reporters by Wang Yong, deputy director of the Department of Animal Medicine of the College of Animal Science and Technology of Anhui Agricultural University after the "80s".

Wang Yong, who has loved animals since he was a child, chose to major in veterinary medicine as a bachelor's degree, and then continued to study at the College of Veterinary Medicine of China Agricultural University, obtaining master's and doctoral degrees. After graduating in 2013, Wang Yong returned to his alma mater, Anhui Agricultural University, to engage in teaching and scientific research, and was promoted to associate professor at the end of 2017.

Teach with heart and concentrate on scientific research

A corner of the Minghang breeding base in Mingchuan Township, Feixi County. Fei Xuan Photo

Teaching and education, scientific research, and social services are the three basic responsibilities of college teachers. In terms of teaching and educating people, Wang Yong has not only lectured for thousands of undergraduate students, but also trained and guided 31 master's degree graduates, continuously providing talents for the animal husbandry and veterinary industry.

In 2022, Wang Yong guided undergraduates to participate in the China College Student Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and won the second prize of the Eastern Regional Competition, and he personally won the title of Excellent Instructor of the Anhui College Student Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. At present, Wang Yong is taking his undergraduates to participate in the campus selection competition of the 1000th "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of Anhui Agricultural University, standing out from more than <>,<> participating teams and getting the opportunity to participate in the provincial competition.

Wang Yong said that veterinary medicine is now a popular major, and students need to be enterprising and participate in more practical and laboratory work. Because you have to "deal" with animals, you must also be able to endure hardships and not be afraid of dirt.

"The two provincial quality projects I applied for this year have been approved, just to make some breakthroughs in teaching reform." Wang Yong introduced that he also worked with the relevant person in charge of the college to plan the construction of national first-class virtual simulation courses, hoping to fill the gap that Anhui universities have not yet approved national virtual simulation experimental courses.

In terms of scientific research, Wang Yong has presided over or participated in many scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project, General Project, National Key R&D Program, Anhui Province Science and Technology Major Project, Anhui Agricultural University Introduction and Stabilization High-level Talent Project, etc., and has achieved certain scientific research achievements. He also won the third prize of the 2016-2018 National Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Harvest Award.

At the same time, in the past five years, Wang Yong has published more than 40 scientific research papers as the first author or corresponding author, including more than 20 papers included in SCI, and has been authorized 1 national invention patent as the first inventor; Participated in the compilation of many textbooks.

Serve the society wholeheartedly and strive for rural revitalization

Wang Yong instructed at the Minghang breeding base in Mingchuan Township, Feixi County. Fei Xuan Photo

Member of the World Poultry Society, Director of the Animal Anatomy and Tissue Embryology Branch of the Chinese Society of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, post expert of Anhui Province Poultry Industry Technology System, Director of Anhui Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society, Member of Anhui Province Animal Disease Purification Expert Group... In recent years, with the encouragement and support of the school, Wang Yong has devoted himself to the front line of the countryside and has traveled all over Anhui. Among them, Feixi County in Anhui Province is the place he visits most often.

Recently, braving the hot weather, Wang Yong drove two well-known agricultural experts from Anhui Province to the Minghang breeding base in Mingchuan Township, Feixi County, to guide and help enterprises to carry out the declaration of Chaohu Ma Duck Provincial Seed Preservation Farm.

In fact, at the beginning of 2020, Wang Yong, as the chief expert of meat and duck breeding in Hefei's agricultural industry, met Lu Quantang, the head of Minghang breeding base, and they worked together to promote the development of Chaohu hemp duck seed industry and the promotion of commercial duck market, and help the construction of Hefei seed capital.

Wang Yong said that Chaohu hemp duck is a famous meat duck breed in Anhui Province and has been selected into the list of genetic resources protection in Anhui Province. The pure seed source of Chaohu duck is degrading and losing, and it is urgent to strengthen protection.

With the deepening of social services, Wang Yong has more and more social positions and responsibilities.

Wang Yong inspects the growth of hemp ducks at the Minghang breeding base in Mingchuan Township, Feixi County. Fei Xuan Photo

——In 2021, Wang Yong took over the inheritance baton from his teacher, Professor Li Fubao, and served as the chief expert of the ecological breeding industry alliance of the Dabieshan Comprehensive Experimental Station of Anhui Agricultural University in Jinzhai County, providing services for the ecological breeding of livestock and poultry in the old area of the Red Revolution; Lead undergraduate students to Jinzhai County for the summer "Three Trips to the Countryside" activity.

——In 2022, Wang Yong served as the chief expert of the Hefei Rural Revitalization Science and Technology Assistance Expert Team and the head of the Feixi County Livestock and Poultry Industry Science and Technology Mission. In this regard, he often invites relevant experts from different institutions to give technical guidance and policy publicity to Feixi agricultural enterprises.

——In 2022, Wang Yong successfully applied for and was approved as the incubation cultivation guidance team of the "Touyan" project of the leader of rural industry revitalization of Anhui Agricultural University, and once again assumed the role of the head of the delegation to carry out rural industry revitalization services for 28 trainees from different industries in Wuhu area. Under his efforts and coordination, some students have cooperated with university experts to jointly declare agricultural tourism projects and provincial and local standards, and some students and university teachers have reached the intention of cooperating to declare the establishment of teaching practice bases.

——In August 2022, the Institute of Rural Revitalization of Zhuangcemetery Town, Changfeng County, hired Wang Yong as its first president. "The institute is a platform and think tank, we just want to try innovation and exploration in Zhuangcemetery Town, strive to create a template for the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, and form a 'Zhuangtomb experience'."

Wang Yong inspects duck eggs for hatching at the Minghang breeding base in Mingchuan Township, Feixi County. Fei Xuan Photo

Wang Yong said: "I am proud to be a part of rural revitalization and development. Since I decided to devote myself to the 'three rural areas', I must do things well and use what I have learned and network resources to help as many farmers and enterprises as possible." For the needs of aquaculture enterprises, we can respond to all needs. ”

Wang Yong believes that social services must first have enthusiasm, and secondly, it is inseparable from the support of the family. "With the support and understanding of my family, I was able to devote myself fully to teaching and social service. Helping rural revitalization not only gives full play to my professional expertise and realizes the value of life, but also enriches my life experience and promotes my teaching and scientific research work. ”

Nowadays, with the encouragement and support of governments at all levels and colleges and universities, more and more college teachers and professors like Wang Yong have gone from school to rural areas, injecting "vitality" into rural revitalization and helping the road of rural revitalization to go wider and wider. (End)