Solène Delinger / Photo credit: John Nacion / NurPhoto / NurPhoto via AFP 16:31 pm, June 07, 2023

At 83, Al Pacino will soon rediscover the joys of fatherhood. Noor Alfallah, his 29-year-old girlfriend, known for having been in a relationship with Mick Jagger, is expected to give birth in a few weeks. A happy event that delights the star of "Scarface" who confided for the very first time on the arrival of his future baby.

Al Pacino will soon rediscover the joys of fatherhood at 83 years old... Last week, TMZ revealed that the actor's partner, producer Noor Alfallah, 29, was eight months pregnant. The news of this pregnancy has made a lot of talk because of the age gap between Al Pacino and the young woman. The Godfather star himself had some doubts: a few days after learning that Noor Alfallah was pregnant, Al Pacino asked for a paternity test to make sure that his wife had not cheated on him, and that he was the father of their future child.

Al Pacino is very happy to become a father for the fourth time

Al Pacino has still not revealed the results of this famous test. But, his last speech suggests that he is the father of the future baby... Interviewed by the Daily Mail, the Scarface actor assured that he was very happy to become a father for the fourth time. "It's very special. It always has been. I have many children. But it's really special that it's happening now," he said.

READ ALSO- Al Pacino, 83, is expecting a new child with his 29-year-old girlfriend

Al Pacino and Noor Alfallah got together not long ago, during the pandemic. They were first spotted together in April 2022. Al Pacino already has three children: Julie Marie, 33, the fruit of his love affair with theater teacher Jan Tarrant, and twins Anton and Olivia, 22, born from his union with actress Beverly D'Angelo. For her part, Noor Alfallah, who was in a relationship with Mick Jagger from 2017 and 2018, will become a mother for the very first time.