The author told RT about this, reacting to the recent news that, according to the Litres service, War and Peace has become the most popular work of classical literature among Russians over the past year.

According to Obraztsov, Russian readers are attracted to the works of L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky because of the relevance of the topics covered by the authors.

"The reader's special interest in the work of two great Russian writers and philosophers, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, marks the extreme relevance of reflections on the meaning of life, on the special Russian historical path and on the role of the individual in history," explained Konstantin Obraztsov.

The writer also noted that in Russian classical literature, in general, there are two main themes - the search for the meaning of human existence, as well as the search for national identity and the answer to the question of the uniqueness of the country's culture.

Earlier, the network released the show "Exemplary Reading" by Konstantin Obraztsov.