Zhongxin Wanghai, June 6 (Reporter Xu Jing) The well-received red cultural and creative joint products of the Great Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China have produced new products. On the 2st, the "Great Cultural and Creative Enterprise" belonging to the Great Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China and the local time-honored brand "Guangming Estate" jointly launched the joint cultural and creative dim sum fixed victory cake "Must Win".

The "Great Cultural Creativity" and "Guangming Estate" joint winning cake, containing 2 winning cakes printed with the word "certain victory", its net content is 90 grams, the shape is a classic "gold ingot" shape, specially customized red and gray, inspired by the Shikumen "green wall red brick" color at the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China, of which the red flavor is osmanthus bean paste; The gray flavor is pure sesame seeds, and its coloring is pure plant extraction, no artificial coloring, delicious and healthier. The magnolia elements on its packaging reflect Shanghai's local cultural elements, and the "Kubao" and "Demei" shapes wearing school uniforms on the packaging are the metaverse recommendation officials of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China.

Postbox souvenir Photo courtesy of the Great Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China

"It not only expresses the red meaning of traditional dim sum, but also reflects the taste of tasting this 'sure victory', which is to inherit a red memory, and at the same time symbolizes the embarkation of a new journey and a more brilliant future." Ruan Jun, deputy director of the Great Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, said.

In the future, the two parties will be committed to polishing more co-branded products, meeting the diversified and personalized needs of consumers, continuously enriching the red cultural connotation of Huaihai Road business district, rooting the "gene red" of red inheritance, the "economic red" that helps business in the business district and the "life red" of creating humanistic fashion.

Why do red venues do cultural creativity? In Ruan Jun's eyes, excellent red cultural and creative is not only a window to understand the history of the party, but also a bridge to establish emotional connections, and the memorial hall hopes to let visitors leave memories and bring memories home through the carrier of cultural and creative products.

Party member political birthday greeting card Photo courtesy of the Great Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China

Shanghai is the birthplace of the Party, the place of the original intention, the birthplace of the great founding spirit of the Party, and has rich red cultural resources. In 2021, the Great Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China launched the cultural and creative brand "One Great Cultural and Creative" to welcome the centenary of the founding of the CPC. At present, the cultural and creative products developed by "One Great Cultural and Creative Enterprise" cover 10 major fields, with 330 SKUs on sale, and cultural and creative sales have exceeded 2000 million yuan.

Previously, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage jointly issued a document calling for strengthening the linkage and integration of time-honored brands and historical and cultural resources, and actively promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture. Through the deep integration with many local time-honored brands in Shanghai and the innovative interpretation of red culture, "One Great Cultural and Creative Enterprise" has "out of the circle", such as Little Red Brick Ice Cream, New Youth Ice Cream and "Chalang Drink" series of Xingyemen Ice Cream. While all social forces participate in inheriting and promoting red culture, time-honored brands are also "young" through a series of cross-border marketing.

Ruan Jun said that with the red culture cut into and extended from the cultural relics in the museum's collection, the museum's own research can be brought home through the carrier, and the ultimate goal is to narrow the distance between the people and the red culture. Young people are willing to buy a large cultural creativity, behind which is the recognition of red culture and a deep sense of pride.

For example, the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China" calligraphy set (pen version) that has just won the award at the 4rd Shanghai Red Culture and Creative Competition. Launched by "A Great Cultural Creativity", the set uses wire-bound calligraphy, and users can complete their own hand-copied version of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China through hard pen calligraphy. Since its release, nearly <>,<> copies have been sold.

In the eyes of the industry, behind this is not only the appeal of the revolutionary cultural relics themselves, but also the innovation of the means of dissemination.

At the newly held "Self-confidence and Self-improvement Create Brilliance - Red Cultural Tourism Intelligent Integration Development Summit" and the sub-forum of the 2023 Annual Conference of the Memorial Hall Professional Committee of the China Association of Museums, experts, scholars and industry insiders discussed in depth "multi-dimensional empowerment, cross-border innovation, red cultural creativity and the construction of red space". They proposed that whether it is red cultural creative products or red education bases, the future must take the road of high-quality development, now the needs of tourists are very different from before, they have a deeper understanding of history, they have their own expectations before visiting, they will have their own thinking after visiting, and the memorial hall needs to be further coordinated and innovated according to the new needs of the audience.

"Constitution of the Communist Party of China" calligraphy poster set Photo courtesy of the Great Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China

"There is a saying: cultural creativity is the last exhibition hall of the memorial hall, and it is a memorial hall that can be taken home." Qiu Jinbiao, director of the New Fourth Army Memorial Hall located in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, sorted out the focus, key points and difficulties of the cultural and creative development of the red memorial venue through the cultural and creative cases in the museum. In his view, the whole cultural creativity is cultural export, creative design and market acceptance, "We often have a saying in Yancheng called 'salt with salt, salt with light', and cultural and creative work is also empathetic." ”

At the forum, Maochang Glasses and Shanghai Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., the cross-border co-branding partners of "One Great Cultural and Creative Creativity", respectively, talked about the innovative model of cross-border integration of red culture from the perspective of the integration of Shanghai culture and red culture, the joint relationship between oil spirit and red culture, and product cases.

Sha Tianbing, deputy general manager of Shanghai Sanlian (Group) Co., Ltd., said that the pre-sale of the joint model of "One Great Cultural Creativity" and Maochang Glasses will be opened on June 6, hoping that this joint cooperation can fully explore the value of red culture, carry forward the spirit of red culture, and achieve the dual dissemination of brand and culture through the appeal of "one major cultural and creative" IP, awaken the resonance of the public, and tell the brand story of time-honored brands. (End)