Beijing, May 5 (Liu Yue) On the 30th, the "Fashion and Sustainability" Young Designers Salon and the 27 China-Italy Youth Future Fashion Design Competition Beijing Media Conference was held at Poly Art Museum.

The event was co-sponsored by Tsinghua University, Politecnico di Milano, Keqiao District People's Government of Shaoxing City, organized by China-Italy Design Innovation Base and Poly Art Museum, and attended by leaders of relevant departments, teachers and students from design colleges, fashion design industry representatives and news media representatives.

Live at the event. Photo courtesy of the organizer

At the event, Wang Junfeng, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Construction Management Committee of China Textile City, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, said in his speech that Keqiao takes the talent strong area and the innovation strong area as the first strategy, and looks forward to using the competition as a platform to attract the participation of international design talents, provide opportunities for cultural exchange and creative innovation, cultivate new design forces with an international vision, and look forward to using the competition as a link to drive the creative upgrading of Keqiao textile industry, go to the international market, and lead the fashion trend.

Wang Xudong, director of the Office of China-Italy Design Innovation Base of Tsinghua University, proposed that he hoped that this competition could strengthen the cooperation between Tsinghua University and Politecnico di Milano in art education and fashion innovation, promote artistic exchanges and cultural mutual learning, help the transformation of innovation achievements, and drive China's fashion industry to the international frontier.

Viewers watching the exhibition. Photo courtesy of the organizer

In the roundtable discussion session, Bai Yongping and Liu Ya exchanged views with Li Yang and Gong Shuqi, winners of the 2021 and 2022 competitions, around the theme of "Fashion and Sustainability", focusing on the whole process from raw materials to processing and manufacturing to market consumption, the concept of systematic sustainable development, the relationship between luxury goods and sustainability, and the role of digital technology in promoting sustainable design.

With the theme of "Sustainable Fashion" and the winning works of the 2022 China-Italy Youth Future Fashion Design Competition, this exhibition is committed to bringing together the power of collaborative innovation of young people around the world, exploring cutting-edge fashion trends, and leading future fashion propositions. It is reported that the exhibition will last until May 5 and will be toured in Chengdu and Keqiao. (End)