• Nutrition The order in which you take food to make you feel good
  • Breakfast Why it's not the most important meal of the day and ideas to improve it

"The better you nourish your body, the more energy you'll have and the less tired you'll feel. The second most important thing is to practice sports. And the third leg sleep well, because otherwise the brain does not detoxify and your body will not function well the next day." Núria Coll (Barcelona, April 14, 1980) is a journalist and worked in generalist radio and television but loved health issues. Because of his own personal problem of chronic constipation he began to look for alternatives to laxatives and a friend discovered the world of healthy eating beyond vegetables with grilled chicken.

"It wasn't a fad yet and I was the weird one even for my family and friends. I felt very alone and they pointed at me," she says. So he specialized, researching more and more and generating a community of thousands of loyal followers. "A hobby without any intention of monetizing." He founded as Comocomofoods and professionalized with an online consultation of 15 nutritionists. Now, he gathers his best advice in the book Soy como como como (Ed. Grijalbo).

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Eating healthy does not seem so difficult, but sometimes we get lost among so much confusing information and fashions. Now there are currents for and against carbohydrates, especially in social networks. What's the truth? Carbohydrates, depending on the person and their vital moment, must be measured downwards. The general society has a very sedentary life, does not do much sport, and you have to be careful with excess carbohydrates if you go from the office to home. In one of the two main meals of the day they can be fine, but in the other I am more in favor of including protein and fats, which are more satiating. In his book he defends fats a lot, however, why are they demonized so much? It is a super important macronutrient. It gives us a lot of energy and allows healthy things not to be so boring. We believe that carbohydrates are just the rice that we add as a garnish, but it is also the vegetable, which has to occupy half a plate, and they are carbohydrates, so we are overwhelmed. Fats such as avocado, nuts, olives and olive oil allow us to make sauces such as pestos that will give us another life to the menu. Saturated fat is also necessary for the body and is present in a bacon or an Iberian sobrasada, very palatable foods. It is the great pending issue to be discovered by the citizen.Why do we always live on a diet? Because we don't learn to eat healthy forever. We are always on a diet because weight obsesses us too much, especially women. It is regrettable that this is the case, although there is a lot of overweight in the population. But people need to restrict themselves so they can go out and socialize. We are not constant because we have unhealthy patterns. There are hyperproteic diets that do not have any fat. So it is impossible to be satisfied. You can lose five kilos in a week, but if they do not let you even put a splash of olive oil in the salad it is a barbarity. You will be unhappy. Summer arrives and we think we are healthy by having a good salad. And we start adding ingredients: nuts, dates or raisins ... Isn't it a caloric bomb at the end? Fat is not fattening, it is thermogenic [it increases body temperature and that leads to metabolic reactions that burn fat] and helps to lose weight. That a nut is caloric does not mean that it is unhealthy. But they should be eaten in small quantities. Raisins, on the other hand, are sugar, they are full of fructose, and here you have to measure. There is a high percentage of the population with insulin resistance, related to diseases such as cancer and brain problems. Sugar reaches the blood through carbohydrates, which are in starches, fructose, sucrose... By this I do not mean that we do not take fruit. But if all the time we take bread, pasta, etc. we are shooting the sugar even if we think we do not take it because we do not throw the spoonful in the coffee. Sugar substitutes such as agave syrup or panela seem like a panacea, although there are studies on sweeteners that warn us that they are not so good. Is it the same as taking white sugar? Sugar substitutes are sugar in a disguise. There are alternatives for sweet in foods such as sweet potato, pumpkin and banana. And when the body asks you for a sweet, we have dark chocolate 85%. It is better if you eat it and enjoy without regrets the whim instead of buying syrups that combine fructose and sucrose, a mixture of fructose.Terrible cla for your body's insulin. Now there is a lot of talk about the tablespoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar to avoid those spikes. However, there are dentists who warn that it damages the enamel and many nutritionists, such as Aitor Sánchez, say that miraculous properties cannot be attributed to it. What is your position on this? It is not to do every day nor should it be taken as a remedy to lower the glycemic peak and then swell to eat carbohydrates because that does not make any sense. As a punctual strategy and, within the framework of a healthy diet, acetic acid improves digestion and absorption of meals. And that parallels everything you've said, which is true. Dentists are right about the wear and tear caused by acidity on the teeth, so it is preferable to take it with a cane or a quick sip. Are all vinegars equally beneficial? Vinegar can be apple cider or not. It is the one with the most published studies, but all wine vinegars have similar properties, so we should return to the usual Sherry vinegar and leave the Modena vinegar, which is full of sugar, or sauces full of additives. He talks in his book about algae, but they do not seem so easy to acquire in the supermarket or to integrate into the day to day. Why do you recommend them so much? Some are chelators, this means that they help expel heavy metals from the body that we ingest in fatty fish such as tuna. Chlorella and spiryluna are very interesting, they are made out of the sea and we have less suspicion that they may be contaminated. Spirulina is rich in protein and could be the main protagonist in the future to find sustainable alternatives. Taking chlorella is a good strategy to get rid of all those toxins, such as mercury. Also the fiber of the vegetable drags the metal of the village. Another statement that stands out in the book is that bottled water is not good and includes PET plastics, but neither does tap water. So what do we do? If you drink unfiltered water, the filter is you. It is the food that we eat the most although the administrations do not focus on it and hide the figures of very serious research organizations such as ISGlobal, which has published how exposure to chemicals in drinking water is associated with greater bladder cancer. In tap water come bacteria and viruses such as E. coli and heavy metals, because the pipes are made of uralite, lead and PVC and also give off toxins when heated to the water. We get pesticides and herbicides, traces of medicine... When passing through the osmosis filter, which not everyone can afford because it costs about a thousand euros, the concentration of minerals is eliminated, so the water would have to be remineralized. We are examining the activated carbon filter and it does not take out everything, but an important part, and it is cheaper, for about 140 euros. The jugs only make it taste better. Water should be a right and it is not the same that it is drinkable to be healthy. Why is anxiety channeled with binge eating to the fridge? It's emotional hunger and it happens to all of us. It is also true that with so many sugar peaks we need to snack at all hours. Digestive rest is an incredible source of health.Is fasting for everyone? It is not good for a person who has eating disorders or for people who are going to suffer because it generates stress to stop eating for a few hours, triggering their cortisol. It feels good for your body to rest from eating for at least 12 hours straight. But many people have dinner late and breakfast very early and that is horrible for the body, because we do not let the street sweeper pass to clean. Who suffers inflammation in his body notices it, because a caloric restriction makes you sick. But fasting is a good option on days when you do not do sports or take 10,000 steps, because skipping that meal compensates for the caloric expenditure.

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