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Police car in Utah (symbolic image)


Chris Samuels / AP

After the incident, police in the U.S. state of Utah said that no one knew about a shooting or heard gunshots. The AP news agency quotes a spokesman for the Spanish Fork city. In a statement, he explained how it could happen that a two-year-old child was hit by a stray bullet on the grounds of a daycare center.

Initially, employees of the day care center contacted the parents of the toddler after they saw how this stumbled and bled from the face. The child, whose gender was not named, had previously played outdoors in a fenced area. The parents had taken the child to a clinic for treatment – where the doctors had noticed a small-caliber bullet in the child's head on the brain scans in the evening.

According to the authorities, the child is in "stable condition" and has been transferred to a children's hospital for further treatment.

»Tragic accident«

"Investigators continue to investigate where the bullet may have come from and why it was fired," the statement said. Apparently, it was "a tragic accident". To the west of the daycare center there are open fields. "It is suspected that the bullet came from this area." It is possible that the bullet came from an air rifle, AP also quotes a police spokesman. The police did not comment on how this accident could have occurred and for what reasons a shot may have been fired.
